(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says therefore the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hand of Cushan Rishathayim king of Mesopotamia and the children of Israel served Cushan Rishathayim eight years and when the children of Israel cried on the Lord the Lord raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel who delivered them even off know the son of Kena as Caleb's younger brother and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he judged Israel and went out to war and the Lord delivered Cushan Rishathayim King of Mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevailed against Cushan Rishathayim And a land had rest forty years and Othniel the son of Kena has died Now, I love how God just puts that name in there so many times you have to get rid of it, but We have basically three different people in the book of Judges chapter number three That we read about that become a deliverer. They're a judge in this story. The first one is Othniel What's special about this deliverer is it says in verse 10 that the Spirit of the Lord Came upon him now if you ask most churches today, hey if God's Spirit came upon you What do you think would happen? Oh, he'd just be so loving and so kind and just just you know gushing It's like what happened whenever the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. He judged Israel. Oh You're so judgmental it came from the Spirit of the Lord. I Mean notice the Spirit of the Lord came upon a man and you're like what's gonna happen love Like the Care Bear love just pumping out of his heart or something. No, no, he judged Israel didn't he with his mouth He opened up his mouth and he judged Israel and knows the next thing and he went out to war Notice when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon someone what does he do? He judges and he goes to war that's what the Spirit of the Lord actually looks like Yet people look at someone that has these attributes of judgment or fighting or war and they're like, oh this guy's a bad spirit You're blaspheming the Holy Ghost at that point Think about it. This is the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him You know if we saw people they're like, oh he has a bad spirit, you know, why don't you just love him to hell like Gandhi? He's a peaceful protester You know all those peaceful protesters BLM Which they're not very peaceful. All right But that's what the world, you know wants to exonerate don't they they want to get their Martin Luther King what March They want to get their Gandhi, you know to go in there and just just love people and just in talks Oh kind and so tolerant of all views Because Gandhi is just so tolerant so loving, you know hate the sin, but love the sinner, bro Um, I'm pretty sure Othniel he judged and then he went to war That's what he did He told people that they were wrong that they're sinners that they're wicked and then he actually went out and fought the enemy that's what a real man of God looks like a real man of God judges and He goes out to war Now notice what happens when you have somebody. Oh that must have been terrible all this judgment and all this war Well, look what it says in verse 11 in the land at rest 40 years Notice how you actually get peace from judgment and From a strong hand from crushing rebellion and crushing the enemy which is the exact opposite of what our country is doing today Isn't it? Our country does not want judgment and it does not want to rule with an iron fist and guess what? We do not have peace Guess we do not have rest today If you really want rest and peace You have to rule with an iron fist and you have to start judging certain things And you know what that exists the same with a church, you know If you want your church to be peaceful and to have rest then you need someone to actually judge and go out and make some war Then you can actually have a peaceful church when you come into the building