(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But I have a list of what I believe old IV means and what new IV means and I'll explain why it's better all right So what is old IV? Well first of all IV just stands for independent fundamental Baptist There's a lot of people that go by that moniker, but how would I delineate between an old or a new this item delineate? altar calls Alter calls is old IV. You know else is old old IV bus routes You know what else is old IV tracks. You know what else is old IV Sunday school You know what else is old IV nursery Hey, if you've ever been to an old IV Church. You know I'm hitting the mark right here Bible college You know what else is old IV Zionism Say what Zionism it's where you worship people they call themselves Jews, but they're not they lie. They're the synagogue of Satan pre-trib I Went to an old IV Church We started January 1st on a new series called a pre-trib series And it lasted for the first week of January the second week of January the third week of January the fourth week of January Hey, let's roll into February February March April I left, so I don't know what happened I Don't know if they're still preaching pre-trib every single Sunday, but they were while I was there Pre-trib and you know what if you're not pre-trib you're not old IV to them either I'll tell you what they get all mad about that storytelling preaching I Went to Bible College back in 1970 1970 and And here's the conclusion I just been safe towards this bit just been same ten weeks. Oh, we're eating up all right Fox News preaching Marco Rubio is a conservative Republican I could not find any public moral issues to report on Rubio none. We got American flag Mirka You know what they are behind that one Israel flag You know what they do after that they celebrate and praise the mayor and police chief Also they support a hundred and fifty missionaries for $25 a month and let me say something about memes memes are only funny because they're true and this list is only funny because it's true Deputation not only deputation friends with heretics Not only friends with heretics they reject Unpopular laws of God God introduced the death penalty for homosexuals in the Old Testament should that still be enforced and why? No, you sound like to me like you're going to your proponent of a group Of this new fundamental group and my I'm rounding off with this they welcome and tolerate reprobates This lifestyle is a part of the culture we live in There's no place for a crude or vile attitude toward those living in this sin No place West Coast says you're not allowed to have a vile attitude towards fags It's not even allowed in the church. So I don't know if you just like rip out Jew that your Bible or what but This is what I believe old IV stands for so if I say old IV This is what I mean, and I think most people get what I'm saying now. What do I believe new IV is well again? I think these are abstract concepts. Okay, but we're gonna have our counterpart for all the new IV pieces. All right And we're gonna talk about why the new IV is better You know we don't have we don't have altar calls, but you know we do have something called soul winning You know we don't have a bus route, but you know we do we do so many marathons You know we don't have tracks. You know we do we do online ministries and documentaries We don't have Sunday school. You know we have we have a family integrated service this morning You know what we don't have the nursery we have toddler and mother baby areas all right We don't have Bible College. We have in-house training. You know we don't have we don't have Zionism. We have replacement theology Hey, we don't preach it. We're post trip free rap We don't have storytelling preaching we have Bible preaching. We don't have Fox News. You know we have we have hard preaching You know Fox News preaching is not hard preaching because everybody in the poll and the pews already agrees with you It's stupid it's nonsense hard preaching says hey, I looked at you guys you have all these mistakes Let me tell you all about them That's what real biblical preaching is and we have hard preaching today, and you know what if you don't like hard preaching Just watch TV You know we don't have an American flag We believe America's Babylon You know we don't have an Israel flag. We believe the synagogue of Satan You know we don't honor the mayor and the police chief up here. You know we honor soul winning leaders Who do you want your little Johnny to be the mayor and the police chief and the governor? Or do you want to be a soul winning leader in your church? Hey? We don't support a hundred and fifty missionaries for 25 bucks You know we do well, so we'll send out our own missionaries, and we'll pay their way We don't do deputation we do do-it-yourself mission trips because guess what they're doing the same thing anyways But instead of going to a foreign land and preaching the gospel they go to another church and preach a watered-down compromise message And You know what you're paying for them to travel around I'd rather just pay for us to go to a city and just preach the gospel there. It's ridiculous Deputation is terrible don't get me started on that one all right Instead of being friends with heretics. You know we do we expose the heretic Hey instead of rejecting unpopular laws. You know we do we make documentaries about them Hey, and you know instead of welcoming and tolerate reprobates. You know we do we have protesters outside Something they'll never have look at these bunch of freaks and weirdos They don't have anything to protest you know why I say the news better because the new IP is better Which one I mean look if you want to personify the old IV it's right here, buddy and if you want to you say what do you think the new IP is pastor Shelley a church that looks like this and So a church that doesn't look like this not new IV to me, and you say hey Where would you want to go to church pastor Shelley here? This is where I want to go to church. You know what there's a lot of people That try to mix these two No, man having drunk old wine straightway desireth new Does he and whenever you try to put new into old you know you burst the old wine skins? They can't handle this and here's the thing we should stop trying to put new IV into old IV It doesn't work. It's oil and water my friend You know what if you want to be new IV you know you need to do you need to get into a new IV church and If you know what you're gonna go to all live be Church try to be old IV because if you try to be new IV It's not gonna work You're either gonna destroy their church because it's terrible or they're gonna throw you out It just doesn't really mix and hey I'm not saying don't go to the best church in the area because you should and I'm not saying the old IV can't do things for God because they can But you know what if you try to mix these two you'll destroy both of them You know we should do we should just let both be preserved Hey Let the old IV Exists for all the people that want to be old IV and let them do their thing and let them get you know a kid Saved every once a while in the altar call and hey let them pick up a kid in the bus route and get them saved Or whatever hey, it's not like they didn't do good things in the past Hey, it's not like people didn't get saved in the Old Testament. They did you know what the New Testament was better Hey, and if you want to be a new IV jump into the new IV train hop on let's go Don't bring this stuff with you though. I Don't want any of it. I'm not interested in any of this, and you know what there's some people. They're this guy But they like these people So they try to pretend like they're this And you know where they just gravitate all the way back to this You know what they do they take a really good new wine, and they ruin it they spill it all over the ground There's people they take great people great potential and they destroy them and they ruin their lives Because you know it's just not a good fit You know what I'm not gonna fit in at the non-evangelical church the Methodist Church the Catholic Church And you know what I'm not really gonna fit in the old IV Now this is my only option I'm gonna go and sit down and shut up, and I'm gonna get on their programs and do the best that I can But you know what I'd rather get into this church, and I don't know how to support this type of a church And you know why cuz the new is better Psalms 19 let's let's pick one of these how about the fact that they reject unpopular laws in the Bible Let's see what the Bible says in verse number seven the law of the Lord is perfect Converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure Making wise the simple the Bible says the laws of God are perfect and in fact They make you smarter The more you learn God's law the more wise you become He says in the next verse look at verse number eight The statutes of the Lord are right Get that in your mind Get that deep deep deep in your mind. There is no law in the Bible. That's bad There's nothing bad about it. There's nothing evil about it. It's all perfect. It's all right It's exactly how the world should work Now it says this rejoicing the heart You know what Leviticus 2013 does to me it rejoices my heart Hey every hey put beast of files to death rejoices my heart That's what not suffer a witch to live rejoices my heart I wish I wish to God after Halloween we could just round them all up and stone them to death I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I don't believe the Bible today because I do You know what it makes me sick when a preacher would get behind the pulpit and disgrace the Word of God by saying Oh, I can't believe these preachers get up and preach the law and they preach God's commandments That's such an approach on Christ. No your approach on Christ Because you know what they rejoice my heart That's what the Bible says