(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Every single person that you virtually preach the gospel to, if you said do you believe in Jesus? They'll say yes Before you even showed up, okay, and isn't that the way you get saved is believing in Jesus So there's there's some kind of a communication gap here right and I don't want to Constantly reiterate how you believe in Jesus through all these stages and way before I get to this this point what I'm gonna explain to them because They don't get it yet They're speaking a different language than you are and let me prove this to you for a second But go to Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 What do we mean by believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? We mean to trust? Okay. Now if I looked up the word believe in the dictionary the Merriam Webster's dictionary, you know word is not used to explain the word believe ever trust Let me give you the definition of believe according to Merriam Webster's dictionary to accept something is true Well, how many people don't accept that Jesus is a person I Mean atheists will accept that that's true. Okay, so when you say believe in Jesus a lot of times That's what they think you mean by that Or to consider to be true. They're gonna say in history. They say you just think that it's true Or to accept the word or evidence of to hold an opinion To suppose so when you use the word believe and their mind they could be thinking well I'm I'm pretty sure that Jesus exists that could be literally what they think when they say they believe in Jesus Is that gonna save you? I think that Jesus might be real No so we have to make a clear distinction between what the Bible is saying about believing in Jesus Christ and What most people think the word believe means now, this is how I Differentiate these two I say believe does not mean exists Believe means trusts and I think it's important to show them Clear example look at verse 13 It says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation And whom also after that you believe now I don't show them that verse But we have to understand that to believe means to trust that's what the Bible clearly teaches. And so I give three examples And and I don't use all three. These are three different examples that I've used at this point So I've already proven that we're sinners deserving of hell I preached the gospel to this person I Told them that Jesus Christ died on the cross was buried rose again, and I say does everybody automatically go to heaven They say no, and I say so it depends on something doesn't it and they say yes, and this is what I do I remind them of what they said at the door that was wrong and I have not told them what they what the right answer is yet outside of just saying the Bible says it by faith alone at But I didn't really explain to them what that means so I'll say well when I first asked you you said it was getting baptized You said that it was going to church use those being a good person and since you haven't contrasted anything They're gonna just say yeah, that is what I believe Yeah, well, let's see what the Bible says acts chapter 16 It says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved see how that's different Than what you said see I was saying something different than just You know be or it's just by faith here now what it means to believe it means that it's not that you believe That God exists or the Lord Jesus Christ exists. It means that you're trusting in him So this is the number one example that I use and I'm going to show you a couple others I say this we all believe cops exist, right? do you trust every single cop and Look, this is above the 95% acceptance rate. Okay, I'm saying no they do not trust every single cop and so Then I'll say this is the exact same difference with God many people believe that Jesus Christ exists But they're not trusting him to get to heaven and I say let me let me make this plain if I told you I'm going to heaven because I'm a good person go to church and I'm using what they said Okay, remind you again, whatever it is that they said does it sound like I'm trusting Jesus or myself and they say yourself Now they understand what it means to believe in Jesus this is one of the most important steps of preaching the gospel because they already get all this and these things are important too, but this Understanding the difference between believing that Jesus exists and it means to put your trust in Jesus Christ is the most Important aspect of preaching the gospel in my opinion because that's just not that's just something that they don't get yet That's something that they haven't figured out Here's my second way that could articulate this if there's a tall building and you're at the top of it's on fire There's no escape but a fireman comes down along and he says if you jump down I'll catch you and save you. Do you believe in me? Is the cut is the fireman asking? Do you believe I exist or is he saying trust me? I'll catch you and they're like, trust me I'll catch you and I said that's the same thing with the Lord Jesus Christ He's not asking you for to acknowledge that he exists He's wanting to put all your trust in him to save you from going to hell And then you could grow back into what I just said So if I said I'm going to heaven cuz I'm a good person and go to church and live a good life Is that me trusting in what Jesus did or what I'm doing? It's like what you're doing Here's my third way that I articulate that. Hey, I need to go across town and I say hey, I need to get over there. I believe in you to get me there. I say who's gonna drive and they say I am and I said what if I just get in my car and just drive by myself. Am I really believing in you? Am I trusting in you to get me there and they're like no I said the same way with Jesus Christ if I say that I believe in him But I'm really not trusting his death run resurrection to get me there. Am I really trusting in him now? I just gave you three different examples in what like two minutes people take a long time in this in this section to to explain what the Bible saying and and I've seen people they say All you have to do to be saved is a believe in Jesus Not not the other stuff and they say oh I believe in Jesus And they say well if someone commits murder, are they gonna go to hell and they're like, yeah no, no, I said the Bible says all you have to do is believe in Jesus and like why believe in Jesus and They're like, well, no, you don't believe in Jesus like yeah, I do believe in Jesus Well, you just said if they go to hell if someone commits murder, they're gonna go to hell Yeah, because that's yeah, that's what I believe and they're like, but I but you just have to believe in Jesus And it's like they don't know that you're making a difference between trust and believing that Jesus exists You have to speak a different language to them. Otherwise, they're not going to understand or Get it