(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is where you end up having a divide is what does it mean to love someone? What does love actually look like? What are some practical ways that we can measure if someone's being loving? Well, let's go back to the Bible. Let's go back to our passage and see some of the ways that the Bible describes this brother love. Look again at verse nine. Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. So notice love hates that which is evil. Abhors that which is evil. So if you abhor something that's evil and then someone's like, oh, you're not loving. Actually, that's the definition of love. Actually, true love and real love hates evil and it loves the good, okay? It clings to that which is good, it cleaves to that which is good and it hates evil. And notice love's not supposed to be with dissimulation. Now, dissimulation's not necessarily a real common word. It's not an easy word. But if you look it up in a dictionary, it says the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery. So if you think about simulate, simulate is to basically try to pretend to do something or you're modeling something. And then with the adjective diss there, it's kind of like showing that there's something deceptive about you pretending, right? So loving with dissimulation is you tell people that you love them but you really don't. I wonder if there's any groups like that. I don't know, ones that stand outside churches that say they're so loving even though they clearly hate you, right? I mean, that would be loving with dissimulation, okay? Or someone that's really kind to you at work or maybe a family member or a friend that likes to flatter you and tell you lots of things that you like to hear but inside they actually don't love you, okay? Or they're willing to allow evil to come upon you while at the same time telling you that they love you or doing evil to you and at the same time telling you that they love you. Go to Galatians chapter two for a moment, go to Galatians chapter number two. Now some synonyms for the word dissimulation are this, deceit, deception, dishonesty, fakery, I didn't know that was a word, fakery, I like it, fraud, guile. So really if someone is being deceptive or a fake about their love, then it's not real love, that would be love with dissimulation and that's not true brotherly love. True brotherly love is going to abhor that which is evil and it's gonna cleave that which is good. Now here's my first point of how we can tell what brotherly love is and it's through rebuke. If you love someone, you will rebuke them and this first point is probably the most important because most people find that when you rebuke them, they're like oh you don't love me, oh you hate me or oh you're not kind or you don't have love to the brethren but rather rebuke is a real common thing in the scriptures and it actually is an emphasis of love because if you abhor that which is evil, you're not gonna let your brother and sister in Christ do that which is evil because you don't want them to be harmed by the evil, you don't want them to suffer the consequences of the evil that they're doing. To allow people to just hurt and harm themselves illustrates no love.