(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, you would think it would be impossible to take such a great doctrine to an unhealthy and unbiblical extreme, but people can do it. They're called rucktards, okay? And these rucktards do not put their faith in facts. They don't. They'll admit it. They'll admit that they're not even believing in facts. It's insane today, okay? They're like, I'm stupid and an idiot, but I believe it by faith. And it's like, well, that faith isn't in facts, my friend. And let me just prove to you how stupid this is, because number one, how do we learn our doctrine? By having a clear statement. Don't we have clear statements saying that the word of God is pure? Okay, so we believe in a pure Bible. We believe in an every word Bible. But then they somehow take this and they say, I believe that if you have a King James Bible and you translate it into another language, it has to be an exact word for word translation. And if it's not exactly word for word, it's a corruption of the text. Well, first of all, if you've ever spoken another language, you realize it's never word for word, period. Try that with Mandarin. It's like word with hieroglyphic or something, you know? It's like a picture. It's a drawing. How does that even work? That's ignorant of facts. That's ignorant of truth. Okay, let me prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that that's not true from the Bible. Okay. What if we had a portion of scripture where it interpreted another language for us? And they are both the word of God. Let's see if this stupid word for word doctrine holds scrutiny to the word of God itself. Look at verse 25. And this is the writing that was written, many, many teclupharsin. So God with his own hand, right on the wall, many, many teclupharsin. It scares the piss out of Belteshazzar. I mean, his knees are clacking together. I mean, this guy is terrified at the writing on the wall because his days are numbered. Now they try to find someone to interpret this. Now wouldn't you want one of them word for word Peter Ruckman interpreters? I mean, you need this guy to come in here and give you that word for word. And I don't want any of that speaketh to speaks, you know, stuff, because that's a corruption. Speaketh and speaks is completely different words. People believe this. People teach this. They say if you change speaketh to speaks, you've corrupted God's word. It's no longer God's word. Let's see if Daniel believes in this doctrine. He's asked to interpret it. He is interpreted verse 26. This is the interpretation of the thing. Many God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it. Tecl thou are weighted in the balances and are found wanting. Perez. Hey, is that the same word? Says you, Farzin. You know what? It is the same word. It's a different form of the exact same word. Hey, speaketh and speaks are different. But you, Farzin and Perry's is different to say, I don't know. It's like a mind nuke for these people like they can't prove it from the Bible. Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. Why? Because you Farzin means Perry's and speaketh means speaks. It's stupid. Go to Psalms Chapter twelve Psalms Chapter number twelve. Let me give you some more on this retarded doctrine retardation. OK. You're not a Peter Ruckman church by any stretch of the magic. You know, I'm not that great of a drawler anyways. All right. My my drawings are crude. I'll do my best. But you don't want me up here drawing. OK. That's weird. All right. The people that draws because they can't preach. That's why they're up there drawing Psalms twelve verse six. The Bible says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried to furnace of earth purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them. Oh Lord. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. Now, let me ask you a question, OK? When Psalms twelve was given to man, what was David speaking? What language was he speaking? Was it not Hebrew? Were these words not delivered in Hebrew? So when David is like singing this song, OK, he's singing twelves. He's saying, you're going to preserve these words forever, Hebrew. And then Ruckmanites, they get up and they say the King James Bible corrects the Hebrew Where do you prove that Psalms twelve six? And I'm like, what are you talking about? How could he literally give you the word of God and Hebrew and say he's going to preserve that and then believe, well, it's only preserved in English. Where's your clear statement on that, buddy? Doesn't exist. It's retarded. It's not faith in facts. It's faith in fiction, my friend. It's faith in idiocracy.