(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Titus 2, verse 9, exhorts servants to be obedient to their own masters and to please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloining but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. The Bible is saying if you really want to be a great servant, here is something you could do, not answering again. Man, wouldn't that be great if your children were like this? You tell them, go clean the room, and they're just like, yes, sir. It's usually like, go clean the room. I don't want to. I want a cookie. I want to. It's just like, no, I told you, go clean. You have to constantly direct them and instruct them and correct them and tell them what to do. And at your workplace, if your boss is giving you commands and you're answering again, he's frustrated. Just yes, sir. If you need to ask a clarifying question, that's fine. Back talking, arguing, complaining, all these things are always going to frustrate those who are ruling. Go to 1 Timothy chapter 6. Go to 1 Timothy chapter 6. And if you want to be pleasing unto the Lord, you're just supposed to submit yourself and just do what you're told. The word submit implies that you don't agree because it's easy to do things that you agree with. It's really hard to classify that as even submitting. If you all agree on where you're going to go to lunch, it's not really submitting. You're just like, let's go to lunch. But when you disagree on something and you just do it anyways, that's really a picture of submission. And at the end of the day, we need to get good at not agreeing with things and just doing them anyways. Look at verse 1. Let as many servants as are in the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren, but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort. Now, I think verse 2 makes it clear, though, that even if you have an unbelieving master, you're still supposed to obey them, because he's saying, and they that have believing masters. So he's contrasting masters with believing masters, meaning what? You're supposed to obey both. No matter what kind of persons over you, you're supposed to give them honor so that God and his doctrine is not blasphemed. You know, if Christians are always rebelling against their boss, and they're constantly saying, oh, that's sinful, oh, that's wrong, oh, I don't like that, that would give Christianity and the Bible a bad name if they're just constantly arguing and dictating. And look, I'm not trying to excuse sin or try to encourage you to sin, but some people have this over-the-top holiness, this over-the-top hyper-spirituality, where they look at their business as just like Sodom and Gomorrah or something, and really, at the end of the day, they're like, whoa, my boss, he wants to increase the price of our goods, because he just wants more profit, and more profit is the love of money, and the love of money is the root of all evil. He's basically the devil, Pastor Shelley. How can I obey him? It's like, good luck finding me any company or any business where I can't find something wrong with it. I mean, what store today doesn't sell alcohol, or cigarettes, or the lottery, or something that promotes something? I mean, what company doesn't promote something evil, or somehow they give some money to something, or there's somebody, like the boss is a Jew, or, that's a lot of businesses, the boss is a Mormon, you know, the boss is a Muslim. I mean, what company, I mean, what car dealership doesn't rip people off every once in a while? And guess what? They also have interest rates for financing, right? Every, virtually every company has a credit card, they charge interest, usury right there. You find me a business that has just no sin, is just like perfect, well, what if we work for that parachurch ministry? That's not biblical. And you say, what if I work for the church? Well, I guarantee every once in a while I sin. Does that make it, you can't work for the, I mean, how are you going to find some business, some industry that you can work for in this world? I mean, what kind of sense would it make here if it's saying, only for them that do everything perfect and never sin and never do anything wrong? I mean, according to that logic, you couldn't work at the Corinthian church, or the Galatian church, or any of the Revelation churches. They all have problems. They all have issues. Are you going to, is that you promoting and yoking up, look, we need to just go ahead and just do what we're told. And yeah, obviously, if your boss is like, go kill these three guys, it's like, okay, not going to do that, right? If your company's like, hey, we're going to have an alcohol party, you need to come and drink alcohol with us, you know, I'm not going to drink the alcohol, but depending on the situation, if it's not just like a bar or something, if it's just a nice company dinner and some people are drinking, I may still go, just to be polite, just to, you know, be kind. Now, obviously, if people are, you know, really lewd and it's a bad scene or whatever, I may just refrain altogether. But I'm not just this over-the-top, holy roller, you know, stand by thyself, for I am holier than thou art. You know, we don't have to have this idea where we can't be around sinful people. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 5. He says, then must you need to leave the world. He's like, if you can't be around fornicators and drunkards and all those people, then guess what? You're going to have to live in the commune with the Amish at that point. It's just not going to work. And we can't do that. So, at the end of the day, just serve your company, your boss, and do the best that you possibly can. And you don't have to blow your mouth about everything. You know, if your boss is Karen, well, you shouldn't even be wearing pants. Have you seen 1 Corinthians 11? Did you know that your haircut's an abomination? Let me show you. You know, you don't have to point out every single thing that they do is wrong. And you have to use some discretion about sin, okay?