(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. The Bible makes it clear, your child is foolish. You say, how do you know that? The Bible already told me. Your child is not going to obey automatically. Your child is not going to do that which is right automatically. I mean, you can look at your kid and you can say, don't touch the fire, it's hot. Hey, Johnny, don't put your hand in the fire, it's going to burn. Don't put your hand in the fire, you're not going to like it. And they're just like, ooh, and then they put it in there and it burns. They're like, ah, it hurts. And you're like, why did you do that? Because they're foolish. Children are foolish. They're not going to do right. You have to discipline them, you have to restrain them, you have to tell them no. And notice what gets the foolishness out of them, the rod of correction. This is why we have so many stupid liberals today is because the rod did not drive out the foolishness from them. So they're foolish today. They don't want to be disciplined. They've never been disciplined. They don't defund the police, so I wonder why you want that. Oh, because you don't want any punishment. And guess what they also don't like? Parents spanking their children, disciplining their children. They want both banned. They want everything banned. No jail, no cops, no parents punishing their children. Look, they go hand in hand. And you know what also follows? Reperbate children. Now let me give you some statistics, okay? For children born before 1946, so this is called the traditionalist generation, 1.3% were sodomites, which are the category of reprobates, okay? Of boomers. These are born from 1946 to 1964. 2% were sodomites. Generation X, so if you're born from 1965 to 1980, 3.8% were sodomites. The millennial generation, from 1981 to 1996, 9.1%. That's a big jump. Generation Z, if you're born from 1997 to 2002, so this is the 19 to 24 year olds today, 16% sodomite. You want to know why? Because they're not restraining their children. Because they're not disciplining their children. In fact, if you go all the way back to that traditionalist generation, you would be spanked at school by the teachers and the principal. They had paddles on the wall. You would get disciplined. And obviously I don't agree with dropping them off for someone else to punish them. The parents should be punishing them. But when you just take punishment away from a child, you just grow and reprobate. We have an explosion of reprobates in this world today. Why? Because parents are not disciplining their children. And let me warn you, Christian, if you say, well, I'm going to discipline my children like the world, you could raise or reprobate. If you want to avoid raising or reprobate, discipline your children. Restrain your children. Use the rod of correction. Give them wisdom. Go to chapter 23 and look at verse 13. What an explosion of reprobates today. And I can't even imagine what the next generation is going to look like with the drag queen story hour. And with all the BLM nonsense and just everything that's going on in the public schools today. Saying every white person's racist and that every bad thing that happens to you is because of systemic racism. And you're just a special, precious person. And just, you know, change gender and do whatever you want. Your Tyrannosaurus Rex tomorrow and a tree and, you know, whatever you want to do. It's insane. Our society is insane. And the generation they're going to raise is going to be more reprobate than we've ever seen before. Why? Because they're not physically disciplining their children. And in fact, there's a stigma against disciplining your children physically in this world today. But, you know, I hope we bring it back. I hope we show a good example of that. Now, Proverbs 23, look at verse 13. Withhold not correction from the child. For if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shout the liver his soul from hell. The Bible commands you to beat your children with the rod. Now, obviously, the word beat in our modern vernacular sounds different than what the Bible is saying. The word beat simply means to spank or to discipline your child appropriately. Obviously, we would never physically damage the child. We would never permanently damage them. We would never do anything that could cause them any kind of bodily harm in a long-term fashion or effect. And it could never kill them. So if you're doing any kind of physical punishment that could result in death, then that's wrong. Because notice it's saying, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Meaning this type of punishment can never kill a child. It could never harm them in any way. So obviously, you would never want to discipline your children on a part of their body that could ever cause any kind of death or some kind of a punishment that would kill them. That's why God gives you the rod of correction for the seed of learning. Because guess what? You can hit that seed of learning real hard and it's not going to kill them. You can apply plenty of physical discipline on your children and it will never kill them. And it's never to do any kind of permanent, long-term damage. But you know what? Kids need to learn to fear punishment. And if they don't learn to fear punishment, why would they be afraid of hell? Because notice, if you beat him with a rod, it says you shall deliver his soul from hell. That's a promise. That's saying, look, this guy can be delivered from hell. Hey, you don't want your kids to go to hell? Well, why don't you use the rod of correction? Why don't you discipline him with the rod? A parent that refuses to discipline him with the rod is tempting hell with their child. Is tempting them going to hell for all of eternity. Look, you can't punish your children like God can. Hell is infinitely worse. And we need to basically discipline our children so that we can deliver them from hell.