(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the Mormons are liars and That's one of the things that's really interesting about them They pretend about how godly they are and how righteous they are yet any time you run into these freaks you'll ask them questions about the doctrine and they will just lie and Lie and lie about what they believe at first and then when you start pinning them down is when they'll start being like well Yeah, okay You start singing their songs, and they're like well, okay, you know you start pulling out quotes from their prophets You know these these people are wicked, and you say why preach about it well frankly I've just been harassed by so many Mormons recently I just want to preach against them all right, so I'm just gonna get a few things off my chest But they're just like their father or the father of lies They're just like the devil and they want to be Like the devil wants to be because the devil wants to become God and one of the the first auctions I'm gonna preach against and one of their main false doctrines is they want to become God Literally okay now there's another person that was like that it was the devil look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 12 But what I do that I will do that I may cut off Occasion from them which desire occasion that we're in they glory they may be found even as we for such are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is Transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness Whose end shall be according to their works? The good Isaiah chapter 14 so the Bible is telling us that those who are the truly the the most similar to the devil Are the ones that pretend to be righteous are the ones that are the ministers of righteousness? You know they have their cute little bicycles and their helmets, and they're dressed so nice And you know the girls are dressed godly they got a dress on you know from Basically the little house on the prairie or something and they're coming around they looked all innocent They got the little badge on with their name on it But they're they're just liars and they want to try and become like God now There's another person that want to be like God Lucifer He tries to transforms himself into an angel of light, but look at Isaiah 14 verse 12 How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning? How are they're cut down to the ground which did his week in the nations now said in line art? I will send into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high Yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit so notice the devil He wants to be like God he wants to be worshipped like God He wants to look like he's righteous and be this minister of light and this angel of light Yet he's wicked and he's gonna be brought down to hell And you know what Mormons they want to be God and they're gonna be brought into hell now Let me give you some quotes just so you don't just take my word for it. Here's quotes this is what Joseph Smith their founder said in The teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith page 346 He said here then is eternal life to know the only wise and true God and you have got to learn how to be gods yourselves and To be kings and priests to God the same as all gods have done before you so he says there's lots of gods Before you and you should learn how to become gods or how to be gods yourselves Brigham Young One of their prophets one of their presidents you have Brigham Young University BYU a really well-known University. This is what he said The Lord created you and me for the purpose of becoming gods like himself The Lord has organized mankind for the express purpose of increasing in that intelligence and truth Which is with God until he is capable of creating worlds on worlds and becoming gods even the sons of gods Son of God Joseph Fielding Smith jr. So this guy's a lot Further down the line, but this is another one of their prophets or teachers or presidents. This is what he said the straightness of the way Morality is the testing or proving ground for exaltation to find out who among the children of God are worthy to become gods themselves and The Lord has informed us that few there be that find it You know you and I both know someone going around claiming their God is either schizophrenic delusional or a devil Okay, maybe Antichrist. I don't know one of those variations there and the Mormons going around calling themselves gods are Antichrists as a wicked blasphemy I'm gonna give you a few more quotes because there's an article Called why do Mormons think that they can become gods? This is what they say on the contrary to deny that men and women can become gods And at least some small way would be to diminish God's power His authority and the love he asked for the inhabitants of the earth They said we're diminishing God's power and authority by claiming the fact that we're not gods What kind of a satanic doctrine is this? He said indeed any who attempt to fight against true doctrine wherever it may be found deny the Old and New Testaments for with God Nothing shall be impossible. Oh Okay, they're gonna twist that verse and they're trying to say because nothing's impossible were there for gods That's that's the worst logic I've ever heard okay To say to say that I'm not I'm a guy to say that I'm a god because nothing's impossible with God Well, can I also say I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Nothing's impossible with God. Can I say, you know That I'm now a tree or you know that that's silly. The Bible says that God cannot lie You have to balance the scriptures here and obviously the context is what matters But it's not saying that literally all possibilities are possible now I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex, you know, no, that's silly. That's foolishness. Well, look at Isaiah 43 verse 10 You're my witnesses saith the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen That you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me. There was no God formed Neither shall there be after me That's pretty clear Hey, there's no God formed before me. There's no God after me I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Savior I have declared and have saved and I've showed when there was no strange God among you Therefore year my witnesses say the Lord that I am God go to chapter 44 They were six say one page or flip the page verse six. Thus saith Lord the king of Israel and His redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God There's there's no other God to say that all were many gods wrong false If you mean we're rulers, you know, obviously some people rule on this earth, but we're not deity. We're not God We're never gonna be formed into a god. We never were for we never became a god or will be a god or anything