(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And, you know, the thing about the King James Bible, when you compare it to the modern versions, and this is sometimes not something that's always talked about, is how precise the King James Bible is, whereas the modern versions are very vague in their responses. They're very vague in what they actually say. Mark chapter 10, look at verse 24. The Bible says, And the disciples were astonished at his words, but Jesus answered again, and saith unto them, Children, How hard is it for them to trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God? So the King James Bible is saying that it's hard for people who trust in money, they trust in their wealth, to get saved or to end up going to heaven. Now anybody that's ever gone soul-winding will realize that's a true statement. But let me read for you how it is read in the NIV. You can read it again with me if you want. The disciples were amazed at his words, but Jesus said again, Children, how hard is it to enter in the kingdom of God? Now is it hard? When we go out of soul-winding, we knock on someone's door. Hey, you want to go to heaven? It's super hard. All you have to do is pray in faith one time. Well, do I have to do any works? No, that's not hard. How could I use that verse and talk to them? You know, the NASB says how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God. It's the same thing. But you know what? If it's work salvation, then it would be hard. Now, it sounds like the King James was really precise. It's like Philip, you know, in the quarter inch, right? Or he's just saying, hey, it's not just it's it's not hard. It's hard to determine that trust in riches, which is really specific. It's not big. And it's also isn't that real specific? I said, look, the the people that trust in their money, it's really hard for them to get into heaven as opposed to just it's just hard to get in heaven. They're just like, wow, I don't even know what's going on. What does that even mean? How hard is that? Or what does that even look like? It's like saying, you know, 50 coils. Arm length of the of this link, you're just like, how hard is that? It was really hard. It's like, oh, I mean, who's going to know? And it changes for every single person. 50 coil links could be this with, couldn't it? It could be this link. It could be whatever you want. And I wonder, you know, false prophets that like to teach whatever they want. I wonder what tool they like to use. Oh, yeah. The one that just stretches for the doctrine, doesn't it? Hey, who am I preaching to today? Look at first Corinthians chapter six, look at verse number 18. The Bible reads. Flee fornication. Now, what does that mean? Well, fornication is being carnal with someone before you're married, going to bed with someone before you're married, knowing someone that's very specific. It's not confusing. You know, it says in the New American Standard, flee immorality. What does that mean? Who needs that commandment? What person today is needing it? Don't sin. You know what? I was in church and my life was completely changed because they said, don't sin. Stop sending, you know, no one. People need like real specific instruction, real specific details today, because flee immorality means something completely different to Joe Biden than it means to me. What if I ask Kamala Harris, what is flee immortality? You know, flee immorality means, oh, she would say the Bible. She would say, you know, the word of God. She would say things that are righteous. She would say flee homophobia. You know, that's what immorality is to her. Whereas fornications are the same to both of us. And so there's no misconstruing. You know, you and your mind, you're a pure minded person. So when you're immorality, you think, oh, of course, everybody's got the same definition for that. It's evil, it's sin, it's whatever the Bible says. Yeah, that's not how the world looks at it. The world looks at it however they think. Look, some people don't believe that fornication is even immoral. I've been to churches, I've heard people say all kinds of stuff. Well, if you love each other. So they could literally hear this verse and not even think that fornication is bad. When the King James is real specific, 32 and a quarter inches, you know, it's like it's dialed in and you know exactly what the Bible is trying to tell you.