(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me tell you another lie who in this world Michael Johnson I'm a little late to the party, but I haven't got a chance to preach so all right, so Time to preach all right But Michael Johnson is a pastor of a church in North Carolina is temple Baptist Church And he tried to cling himself to Pastor Anderson and be one of his friends supposedly But he obviously wasn't he slandered him and lied about him and was trying to attack him privately even though Pastor Anderson's You know blessing him and doing good to him. He just wants to attack him And now he's kind of supposedly separated from him, and you know people that are associated with Pastor Anderson you know myself included or other people in the new IFB and Specifically he decides to pick a fight with a job. Okay now. Who's the job in my scenario here? It's pastor Bruce Mia There's a great guy who loves the Lord he's one that fears God and eschews evil and he's trying to write and Virtually one of the wickedest places in the world LA I mean this place is a den of iniquity There's so much evil there, and he's being a bright and shining light there, so of course he's gonna be attacked I mean all the cockroaches see that big huge light That's just beaming in LA and they're doing a great work and pastor me. He is a great guy obviously He's not perfect, and he's not you know one That's never made any mistakes, but at the end of the day when we see evil happening to our friend We have to ask this question Why? Why and sometimes we don't know but sometimes it's obvious Sometimes it's real obvious why things are happening to him, okay? Pastor Mejia has been just quietly serving God and preaching the Bible and certain sections of the Bible are unpopular with the LGBT crowd Like Genesis 19 that's not Pastor, Mejia's fault That Genesis 19 is the Bible Romans 1. It's not his fault that is in the Bible Second Peter, it's not as fall as the Bible He's just preaching it not provoking anyone in fact their biggest ministry is they put QR codes everywhere Where the sticker says don't die and it's a gospel presentation Like that's what they're doing is just trying to get people saved winning the Lord and yeah He preaches the Bible and yeah, he preaches on that topic But then some disgusting dyke or whatever found his preaching and decides to just create this protest against his church They get like 13,000 signatures from people in the community Trying to attack his churches are protesting his church the news media does hit pieces against his church for weeks And they just have all these raging sodomites beating at the door trying to hurt and to harm their church members, okay? then all of a sudden his church gets bombed and it's like I wonder who I Wonder why Okay, it's not that hard to figure out Okay, and then you have people standing up for Bruce me Yeah, they're not trying to be one of Job's friends. They're not trying to be a life as they're not trying to be a Zofar They're not trying to be these bow dot these build at bozos. Okay. They're trying to be a good friend Say I stand with Pastor Mejia Hey past Marie is preaching the truth and he's being persecuted for righteousness sake and we stand with them So someone like pastor Jason Robinson puts a Facebook post and says, you know, I stand with pastor Bruce Mejia You know specifically on this issue, you know of the sodomite issue and saying we're with you brother and we're supporting you Well, there's a lie who comes out of nowhere and again Just like the story a lie who comes out of nowhere. Nobody asked the lie whose opinion nobody cares what a lie who has to say But a lie who just wants to butt in and so Michael Johnson comments on Jason Robinson's Facebook post. This is what he says Quote Bruce Mejia is a proven liar that has been bringing railing accusations against true men of God I wouldn't stand with them or anywhere near him for that matter. Looks like the hedge of protection is gone and he's no job Now this is my first thought look at verse 2 who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge Where did you come from what dark corner of the earth did you come from? blowing off your mouth now, you know, what's uncanny is that this post is is an Lihoo playbook and I'm gonna prove that to you. Okay, I'm gonna prove that to you go to chapter 32 we're introduced to a lie who and Just like Michael Johnson just can't keep it in can't keep his mouth shut He just has to blow his mouth when nobody asked his opinion same as a lie who look at job 32 verse 18 Brian full of matter the spear within me constraineth me the old my belly is as wine Which hath no vent it is ready to burst like new bottles. I will speak that I may be refreshed I will open my lips and answer a lie who's just saying like I can't not speak I mean, I'm about to burst like a bottle, you know, I'm just ready. I just I'm full of matter I have to give my opinion Why cuz he has no discretion? You know, there's plenty of times not to speak You know, Michael Johnson is like a lie who he just has to speak. He just has to give his opinion He just has to attack pastor me here for no reason. Okay? Just coming out of nowhere Cuz look no one asked him. I didn't ask him Jason Robbins didn't ask him pastor. He assuredly didn't ask him. Okay? And look at verse 21. Let me not I pray you accept any man's person Neither let me give flattering titles on the man For I know not to give flattering titles and so doing my maker would soon take me away Now a lie who brings up this idea. He says, you know what? I wouldn't give any flattering titles on the men and I guarantee, you know Michael Johnson probably has that same mantra of you know, I wouldn't flatter anybody or I wouldn't give you no flat I'm just flatters always wicked. Okay, and I was bringing up this flattering title thing. But here's the problem a lie who flatters himself Look at verse number six Behold, I am according to thy wish and God's dead. I Also informed another clay, you know lie who says the joke hey job, I know you want to ask God all these questions Well, guess what? Your wish has come true. I'm in God's dead Now the same guy that said he wouldn't give any flattering title You know what? He also said I'm in God's dead Now what could be a more lofty title for a man? Right, you know what? You're basically calling yourself a true man of God Isn't that interesting? Oh, yeah pass me he's a proven liar that has been bringing railing access It's true men of God. Oh, I didn't know that you're gonna bring that up about yourself He got and guess what? How about flattering title? Why does he have to put the quantifier true? Because it's a flattering title he wants to say that him and his buddy, you know from the south or whatever manly Perry and Joe major That they're just they're the true men of God. Okay, that's a flattering title Who decided that they were true men of God and other pastors aren't who made that determination? Oh, yeah lie who did didn't he? I'm in God's dead. Oh how wonderful you are Go to chapter 34 in look at verse number seven. What man is like job who drinketh up scorning like water Now, wait a minute. What did job one tell us? He was one that feared God in the shoot evil He's saying he drinks up scorning like water You know, that's a similar word to scorn as an equivalent mocking You know what? Michael Johnson constantly says that past me is doing mocking people through what memes Oh, man, he drinketh up water like scorning But guess what you can be mocked for your faults Not just persecution. Look if you're an idiot and someone calls you an idiot It's deserving If you're a fool and someone calls you a fool It's deserving and in fact Jesus Christ went around calling people fools the whole time in his ministry thou fool thou hypocrite He was mocking and ridiculing them and insulting them because they needed it Because they were fools because it was true and you know what truth is not gonna hurt you Truth will help you when you start realizing you're an idiot. Okay, and he says always bringing railing accusations Well, he's just like talking about Joe Oh Joe's doing all this scorning now, let me make something clear We understand what railing accusations actually mean because we actually believe the Bible So a railing accusation according the Bible is some untrue statement that you're making about someone But here's the thing Michael Thompson doesn't believe that okay. He believes that railing accusations are just speaking negative about anybody So guess what when he's saying them pastor Mejia is bringing railing accusations against true men of God Let me interpret this for you memes against manly Perry Memes against Michael Johnson is what he's saying and then notice what a lie who does all this guy drinks up scorning like water It's the exact same playbook What do they do they try to just use the same tactics as a lie who and say all this guy's so mean You know, he's making fun of people and he's he's harsh about people It's like sorry if you're an idiot, you're an idiot. That's your fault. Not the guy that points it out to you Look at verse number eight which goeth in company with the workers of iniquity and walk it with wicked men. I Thought Joe was shoot evil. I thought he was a perfect and an upright man and guess what? This is the same. This is the same tactic Oh pastor me. He is part of that new IFB group They're all so wicked. They're all so even he walks with the wicked men, doesn't he? This is the same guy Michael Johnson got up behind his pulpit He said everybody in the new IFB would meme about the Lord Jesus Christ being crucified They mean to him look if it was Jesus If Jesus died in 2020, they would have been memeing them memeing him You know what? That is they put his picture up there and then they put words over it make fun of them Okay, that's what they were done What kind of an evil that's a literal railing accusation Okay to say that your children would do that and all the wise and all the old ladies and the everybody in this room would meme about the Lord Jesus Christ some people in this room don't even have a social media and They would meme about the Lord Jesus Christ What kind of a horrible railing accusation is that and then he has the gall to say that pastor? Mahia is railing. He's a railer. He's a scorner Hey, it's just like a lie who who's looking at job and calling job wicked and saying his friends are wicked and look What kind of an evil person hates every single one of our pastor friends? How can you do that? How can you look at these men who love the Bible and they? Sacrifice and they're preaching the truth and they're the only ones standing up against this evil generation and then call them evil It's like a lie who oh this guy is walking with wicked men You're a fool