(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Me and brother Ryan, we went to the first door we knocked, I think. Maybe the second door. It's like the first person to talk to us. He's from Victory Temple Outreach or whatever. And these people are always unsaved. They always believe in work salvation. Now, it's funny because Ryan's kind of the one talking to him at first. And he asked him about, you know, what do you have to do to be saved? He's like, well, it's all what Jesus did. It has nothing to do with what you did. It's not of works. It's just totally faith. And Ryan's like, I just want to clarify. So you're saying it's just by believing? Oh, well, it's faith and you have to be obedient. So after you just said it's not of works for like 20 seconds, he's just like, wow, and you've got to be obedient. And then he just started denying once saved, always saved hardcore. He was trying to overtake the conversation. He had this King James Bible supposedly from Jimmy Swaggart. Okay. And he's trying to sit here and read us verses. And he's like, I only trust what this book says. And I only believe what this book says. And so I took his Bible and was trying to go through the gospel with him. Well, I got to Jesus went to hell. All right. And he's just like, I just say, well, Jesus went to hell. And he's just like, what? And I'm like, just read the verse. You said you only believe what this book says. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. He went to Abraham's bosom. You don't understand. Go to Luke chapter number 16. You would Luke chapter number 16. He's like, he went to Hades and he's like, he went to Abraham's bosom. It's a separate compartment that's next to hell. And that's where he went. And he preached this special message to all these captives. And he delivered the captives. Look, there wasn't any captives deliver in Hades. Okay. First of all, Hades is not found in your scripture because we have a King James Bible says hell. Second of all, Abraham's bosom is not really much of a location. Okay. I'll explain that in a moment, but he, he was like so particular about every verse and me showing him every verse and every line. As soon as we get to this subject, no versus it matter anymore. He just wants to give me his explanation about all this. And I tried to go to look success. Oh, you're talking about Luke 16. Let me show you what the Bible actually says in Luke chapter 16. Let me disprove what you just told me from the scripture that you just referenced because he's saying it's a compartment right next to hell. Okay. Let's just prove it wrong with Luke chapter 16, the story that he told us verse 22. And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels and Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. Let me say this. You don't need to be carried to hell. You fall into hell. You go down into the pit. No one needs to carry you. If you're being carried, it's because you're going up. You know, Elijah was carried up into heaven. You know, all the people of God are carried up when Jesus Christ sends his angels and Matthew 24, which is the rapture. He says immediately after the tribulation in those days. So after that great tribulation, the Bible says, Jesus Christ is going to send for his angels and they're going to come and gather us. And guess what they're going to do? They're going to carry you up into heaven. Okay. Now, if he's up and the other guy's down, which is what the Bible teaches, not beside, what do you think the next verse would say when this guy's trying to look for him? Well, let's, let's keep reading. Let's look at verse 23 and in hell, he lift up his eyes. He didn't look beside. He looked up. You know why you look up? Because something's above you. He looked up in hell and he saw what? Abraham. He see with Abraham a far off. It's this, this is what they say. Abraham's wisdom is really small compartment next to hell. Nope. It's paradise. It's up and it's a far off. It's not close. Otherwise it wouldn't be paradise. Hell is not, hell is not a cool place to be next to. I don't want to be next to it. Sounds really hot. You know, it's like being in Phoenix or something or July here. So we already see that this is completely, you know, makes no sense, but let me tell you what Abraham's bosom is here. It's his chest. So if I had a buddy up here and I put my arm around him like, Hey buddy, he's in my bosom. Okay. It's just saying Abraham put his arm around Lazarus. He's like, Hey man, it's great to see you. Glad you're here. I'm glad you're not being tormented anymore. The angels carried him straight to Abraham's bosom and just put them in his lap or put them right next to him. And he just gets a lean on them. Just like John would lead on Jesus breast. Right? They're buddies. They hang out. They're just kind of hanging on one another. Like you see this all the time, especially gang members. They love to hang all over each other. Right. They're hanging on their brother. They're hanging on their pal. They're hanging on their homie or whatever. You know, he's just hanging out with Abraham. They're close buddies. They like to give each other, you know, they like to put their arm around one another. You know, if you have a close friend, you take a picture with them. A lot of times guys will put another, they'll put their arm around the other guy. Cause it's just his buddies. It's just his pal. It's his friend. And he wants to show their relationship. It's not this special place of like, you know, there's this special compartment called Abraham's bosom. Look, it is special in the sense that you're friends with Abraham, but it's not its own dedicated place. You know, like we have a sign like Abraham's bosom right here, you know, come on buddy. You know? No. And it's certainly, certainly not next to hell. The Bible says there's a great goal fix. You know what that is? It's called the earth and it's called the atmosphere and it's called the first heaven and the second heaven. And then you got the third heaven and there's this huge expanse that keeps everything away from hell. It's called the earth. Why it's so hard to dig down there. We can't even get there. Even if you wanted to is what the Bible says.