(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What they need though is not, you know, obviously they need the gospel, but you know, what really America needs is it needs the Christians that are already saved to stop hearing a gospel message and start hearing a faith that works is dead message, because there's a lot of Christians that are going to church today and they just get the gospel every week, just every day, you know, but we need to move on under perfection, folks. We need to stop laying again the same foundation just over and over and over and over again worried about people not being saved. Look, they're either saved or they're not. Stop preaching the same thing over and over and start telling these people to start serving God with their lives. And you know, what's not wrong with America is Biden. Biden's not the problem with America. Fake Republicans is not the problem of America. Rigged elections is not the problem of America. Jews are not the problem for America. Can I get an amen in the back? YouTube censorship is not the problem in America. The economy is not the problem in America. Drag queen story time, Disney channel, women governors, all of this is not the problem in America. You want to know what's the problem in America? Do nothing Christians. That's the problem with America. It's Christians who are sitting on their butt doing nothing. If you don't go to church and you're listening to this sermon, I'm talking about you. You are the problem with America. And you sit here on your little computer and you just make little stupid troll comments like, oh, our country's doomed or whatever. You're the problem. And you complaining online is going to fix nothing. You giving money to Donald Trump will fix nothing. Why would I want to pay money to watch him lose again to a voting scam? You say like, oh, we got to fix the election. I don't care if the elections were so free and clear and right, we would still vote an idiot in office. His name's Donald Trump. And yes, folks, if the elections weren't rigged, you know who would be in office? Donald Trump. And you know who would not fix America? Donald Trump. The guy who says he wants to let Caitlyn Jenner use whatever bathroom she or it wants. Is that going to fix America? You are brain dead if you think that Donald Trump is going to fix anything. Donald Trump is like one of the worst candidates we've ever had for president. You're just comparing to a pile of dung as the alternative and you just think it sounds good. But it's not. It's kind of like when the children of Israel were so starving, they paid money for half of a dove's dung to eat. It's still dung. I don't care if it's better than eating your children alive like the Democrats do, right? Don't they eat babies and whatever, all that nonsense probably in the blood sacrifice? Oh, we're not in a blood sacrifice. We just eat dung. How about stop eating dung? How about start doing something for the Lord Jesus Christ? How about stop giving money to Egypt? Call Donald Trump and the Republicans to fix their problems. They're not going to do anything. If you want to fix America, you need Christians to start going to church. And you need Christians to start going soul winning. And you need Christians to start reading the Bible. And you need Christians to start giving money to church. Why don't we have Christians dedicating their life to Christianity? You know what they dedicate their life to? Everything else. The Texas Rangers. Well, I'm going to see every game this year. I'm going to get the tickets. I'm going to go see every Cowboys game. I'm going to see every Dallas Stars game. Hey, I'm going to play golf every day of my life. Hey, I'm going to just drive my fancy car around. Hey, I'm going to drink more than I've ever drunk in my entire life. Hey, I'm going to start working out this year. I'm going to dedicate myself to working out this year. You're the problem with America. You're a dead Christian. Well, I'm going to dedicate my life to my business. I'm going to dedicate my life to my family. No. Why don't we have some Christians dedicating their life to the Lord Jesus Christ? Because let me tell you something. Faith that works is dead. And you dedicating yourself to all this other junk isn't going to solve any problem. You got people like Andrew Torba on Gab. He's like, oh, I'm thinking about becoming Amish now. He's like, I want to live out. He's like, I'm going to be completely Amish. We'll use technology obviously since you have a social media company. But it's like, I just want to live out in the woods and we'll just let America burn and just destroy itself or whatever. Look, you're the problem with America. I don't think he's saved. I don't know. But even if he is, he's a dead faith. God didn't call me to go out and live in the woods and just try to survive. He called me to be salt and light and to be in this world and actually do something for him and not necessarily live in pleasure. The Bible says in Psalm 12, help Lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail among the children of men. You know what's wrong with America is godly people are ceasing every day. Less and less people are going to church. Less and less people are reading their Bible. Less and less people are being spiritual. Less and less people are giving money to church and sacrificing their life for the Lord Jesus Christ. But you know what? That's what would fix America. You want to know what's going to fix America? Christians. You want to know why Jeremiah and Josiah's ministries look different? It wasn't the man. It was how the people responded. No one wanted to serve God with Jeremiah. No one. No one wanted to go to church. No one wanted to hear the message except for the troll him. Nobody wanted to dedicate their lives. Nobody wanted to make a change in their life. You know, people are like, how are we going to fix all these problems and there's no path forward. Look, there's always a path forward because it always starts and ends with serving God. If Christians would start serving God, it would make a giant difference. But let me tell you something. We don't deserve fair Christians. We don't deserve any of the stuff that we have. You know what? I'm so sick and tired of all these Christians whining about the First Amendment. Why do you even need the First Amendment? You don't ever preach anything that matters. I mean, if you're not going to go out there and preach the gospel, why have the First Amendment? If you're not going to get up and read every single verse in this Bible, then why are you complaining about not having the First Amendment? Because you so easily just, you squeam to whatever the world wants. You're just like, oh, I won't preach it then. I mean, they just ignore whole chunks of the Bible and they won't preach it. And then they get all, you know, there's even fundamental Baptist, they get all butt hurt about Alex Jones. They're like, oh man, our country's in so much distress. Alex Jones got sued for lying. We're losing our First Amendment. Now frankly, you know, when it comes to the Alex Jones situation, I think he was probably being more truthful than he leads on about the whole Sandy Hook thing. But let's just say on the surface he did lie. I mean, no one's really combating that. He says he did. I mean, Alex Jones admits, he's like, I lied. I said things that were false. And then he got sued for that. And then everybody freaks out and says, oh, we're losing the First Amendment for Alex Jones lying. Yet, Steadfast Baptist Church gets sued and thrown out of their building for preaching the Bible and no one cares. The same fundamental Baptist will even get mad at me and attack me. Oh, he cusses. Oh, because Alex Jones was never cussed in his life. Right? I mean, they'll sit there and be the biggest poster child for Alex Jones and cry and whine so much about losing the First Amendment and say we need to stand with Alex Jones and support Alex Jones. But they can't support a fundamental Baptist Church for the First Amendment. You don't even deserve the First Amendment. If you want Alex Jones and you don't want Steadfast Baptist Church, you're what's wrong with America. You deserve getting Alex Jones. You deserve the lies that come from all the Antichrists on his network, the David Iches and the Steve Pechenics and all these weird freaks and all the witches and all the weird junk that they bring on there. You're the problem with America. I don't like how Pastor Shelley said it. Well, was it true? Is it what the Bible said? That's what's really wrong with America is people don't care. Well, they're going to take away our Second Amendment. What's the point when you don't have the Gospel? What are you defending anyways? I mean, you're just going to let them take the only thing that really matters. The only thing that matters is the Gospel and the Bible. And they want to hold on to their Second and First Amendment to protect anything else, everything else. You know what? I hope God strips it away from you when you don't want to have the Gospel, when you don't want to preach the Word of God. Maybe it will change your mind a little bit. Maybe it will be the kick in the pants that you need. Because you know what? We don't deserve that. Ah, but Alex Jones is so much cooler. I don't care. I don't care if he's cooler or nicer. You know what? Nuts to America. We don't deserve any of the stuff that we have if we're not going to serve God. God will strip all of it away. God will strip away all the prosperity. God will strip away all of the freedom. God will strip away all of the pleasure. Until Christians decide to start serving God again, God is going to strip all of it away. And you say, how do you know that? Have you ever read the Bible? Go to Jeremiah chapter 3. You're there in Jeremiah. Why is it that God punished the children of Israel? It's because they wouldn't serve God. Because they have a dead faith. Because they're doing nothing. They're not being used. Look at Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 14. Turn o backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you. And I will take you one of a city and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. So he says, hey, if you actually make a change, then I'll give you a good church. I'll give you a good pastor. You know, having a good pastor is really, honestly, based on you. You get the pastor you deserve. So if you think that I'm a crappy pastor, well, then you deserve it, buddy. But you know what? All these other people, the countries that have no good churches, they deserve no good church, folks. There's a reason why they have no good church. There's a reason why certain parts of the country are just spiritually destitute. It's because the people there are spiritually destitute. And you know, you say, well, what are we going to do about this area? I want to have a good church. Well, you have to make a good church. You have to be willing to show up to the good church. You have to be willing to give money to that good church. You have to be willing to say, I like that good church. You have to be willing to fight for that good church, or you'll lose that good church. And you know what? My ministry will just turn into Jeremiah, where I'm this crazy guy standing in the corner just screaming at no one. It was like, I don't know when he's going to stop, but it's crazy. I'm not going to stop preaching, though. I'm not going to stop saying the word of God. But you know what? We need other people to stand up to make the difference, to change some lives, to get plugged in. You know, Jeremiah can't change the country by himself. People's hearts have to change. You know, our country is not going to be saved by the Catholics' Ron DeSantis, by the Episcopalians' Tucker Carlson. It's not going to be saved by the Steven Crowder's, whatever Presbyterian, non-evangelical he is. It's not going to be saved by the liberals and the conservatives. It sure as hell is not going to be saved by Donald Trump, who's not even Christian, folks. You are brain dead. So many people are like, I'm so sad. What are we going to do? The elections are in. Our country is destroying itself. You're the problem. Wake up. If you care so much, then make a change in your life. But quit crying online. Well, if I had a good church, I would go to it. The fact that you're not even in church right now proves you wouldn't. There's not one near me. Then move. Have you ever read the Bible? Abraham moved. Jacob moved. Who didn't move? Jesus went everywhere. The disciples left everything and followed him. Paul had to go to the, Paul moved to everywhere. Where does Paul live? I don't even know. I mean, why would God want me to move? I mean, look, folks, it's not hard to know what to do. It's hard to do it. And the reason why our country's just destroying itself is because no one will do it. You know what's going to save America? On fire fundamental badness. That's what's going to save America. You know, and if you think about it, the children of Israel, they didn't have some picnic. They had to walk through deserts, pits, drought. I mean, look at Jeremiah chapter two, verse five. Thus saith the Lord, what a nickety have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me and have walked out of their vanity or become vain. Neither said they, where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through and where no man dwelt. You say, well, serving God in America today is hard. Was it as hard as walking through deserts and pits and drought and the shadow of death? But you know what? Though he lead me to the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Oh, man, it's so hard to serve God in America today because it's so not Christian. Well, you know what? I bet it was harder in the wilderness. I bet it was harder when they had to go, and look, that is the Christian life. We have to serve God and stop being dead Christians. Look at chapter 3, verse 23. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills and from the multitude of mountains. You know what? There's so many people they say, well, let's just go out into the hills like Andrew Torba and go hide and buy land and let everybody else. You know what? The Bible says it's vain. You are a fool if you think that you're going to save your life and your family by going and hiding. Oh, it worked out for Lot, didn't it? It worked out for Urijah, who went and hid in Egypt. Oh, wait. No, it didn't. Because even though Jeremiah is on the forefront screaming and yelling and everybody's freaking out about him, you know what? They went and grabbed Urijah from Egypt and brought him out and killed him. And you know what? If you're a Christian and you say, I'm going to go hide. I don't want to face the foe. I don't want to stand for righteousness. I don't want to walk through the deserts and the pits. I want to have a dead faith. Then you know what? God might just kill you because you're so worthless anyways. And you know what's wrong with America is how many Christians are doing nothing for God. Just absolutely nothing. You look at these other churches and they're like, King James only and protests and whatever. It's like, well, what do you do? How many people did you get saved this week? None. How many people have even opened a Bible and just showed them anything out of the Bible this week? None. How many times did you do anything for God? It's like, they don't do anything. They just go to church to make themselves feel good. That's why the church service is even designed to make them feel good because if they came here, they would be like, ah, I heard, I saw a review one time on a fundamental Baptist church. Go to Matthew 26, last place of your turn, right? And, and I like this review and made me want to go to this church because I said, you know what? I don't like about these smaller fundamental Baptist church. They always try to put you to work. And I was like, that is a good church. And I know I've already preached too long, but I'm going to keep going. So.