(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen look back where the Bible reads in verse 13 enter ye into the straight gate For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and Few there be that find it the Bible gives a very sobering message and Jesus Christ makes it clear That the majority of people will not get saved in this world The majority of people will not go to heaven the majority of people in this world are not saved and in fact, he describes it as being a few and So if you're going to believe the Bible today, you would have to be consistent in Acknowledging the reality that the majority of people are not saved You had a lot of false prophets a day would like to give a false Hope like a Billy Graham or a Carl Lentz even or you know, Rob. What's the guy's name Rob? What is it Rob Bell, yeah, Rob Bell would like to give a false sense of our security idea that Oh God so loving Just everyone's getting into heaven You don't even have to know the name of Christ to get in heaven as Billy Graham said or you know, Rob Bell just a Universalist thinking everyone's going to heaven and there's all of these ideas trying to push people to believe that You know, it's easy to get to heaven There's a broad way that leads into heaven But the Bible says that it's narrow the Bible says that it's straight meaning It's a very specific way to get in and there's only one way to get into heaven. That's through Jesus Christ obviously the Bible says Jesus himself said I'm the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by Me so we have to realize that if we're gonna be consistent with the Bible Then when we look into the world, we would have to believe that the majority are not saved Okay, and they're not going to get saved even necessarily only few are going to actually get saved So then the question would be okay. Well of those people. What are some other characteristics? It's just everyone. That's a Christian Maybe that's the few Well, it gives a stronger warning. Look at verse 21. Not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven So that means not even everyone that claims to be a Christian Not everyone that claims the name of Jesus Christ is going to enter in the kingdom of heaven That's just a plain statement from Jesus Christ thing There's many people who claim to be a Christian and they're not even gonna be saved now First of all, the people that don't even claim Jesus they're not saved But then even within the confines of people that claim the name of Jesus Christ The Bible tells us there's a lot of people who are still not saved. Let's keep reading in this passage He says but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven So it's not giving lip service to the name of Christ It's doing the will of God the Father and we're gonna see what that looks like in a second. Well, look at verse 22 Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and they named on many wonderful works and Then will I profess them. I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity So I see a group of people they say they know the Lord They say they did a lot of wonderful things for him They said we prophesied my name that means they preached in Jesus Christ's name It says that they also cast out devils and it even says and thy name have done many Wonderful works and then we see Jesus saying unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity now When we talk about these people What you know my this is my viewpoint in this passage that these people probably did do all of these things now I would say it with a quantifier while they did these things They weren't truly the works that God wanted them to do obviously, you know without faith is impossible to please him So someone that's not saved all of their good works are ultimately meaningless in the eyes of God He doesn't see them as true works, but I do believe these people are probably being honest in the fact that they did these things They really did preach They really did try to cast out devils and they really did do a lot of works So called whether that's you know Having a food pantry or whether that was going out and doing all kinds of things to be seen of men They did all those things, but that's what they're saying is the reason why? Jesus Christ should let them in heaven when they're being rejected at the throne or where they're being rejected at the gates when they're not Being let in notice what it is that they point to as the reason why they should be let in their works I mean they say it plainly wonderful works Okay, and the title of my sermon this morning is this a false sense of salvation a false sense of salvation I have three points this morning But point number one is this people think that they're saved people think that they're going to heaven because of their Righteousness point number one people have a false sense of salvation because of their righteousness And notice when these people are not led into heaven What is it that they're pointing to to get into heaven their righteousness? Look at all the things that we did now What is righteousness? I'll make it plain. It's doing right Okay, it's doing right wouldn't it be right to preach in Jesus Christ's name Wouldn't it be right to you know, help people that are hurting or to do wonderful works, obviously that would be right Okay, but these people are trusting in their righteousness they're thinking their righteousness has something to do with them getting in and Christ says I never knew you