(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Gift perverted judgment and all all all of our governments are perverted in their judgment There's a thing called lobbying Now let me explain lobbying to you. It's not it's not Bipartisan or I'm sorry. It's not like partisan. It's it's both. It's every party. Okay Lobbying what is lobbying in politics lobbying? persuasion or interest representation is The act of lawfully attempting to influence the actions policies or decisions of government officials most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies Lobbying which usually involves direct face-to-face contact is done by many types of people associations and organized groups Including individuals in the private sector corporations fellow legislators or government officials or advocacy groups interest groups Lobbyists may be among the legislators constituencies meaning a voter or block of voters within their electoral district They may engage in lobbying as a business Professional lobbyists are people whose business is trying to influence legislation Regulation or other government decisions actions or policies on behalf of a group or individual who hires them Individuals and nonprofit organizations can also lobby as an act of volunteering or as a small part of the normal job Governments often define and regulate organized group lobbying that has become influential now I'm reading you Wikipedia's definition of lobbying is basically saying that it's it's legal for any kind of group to try to influence Government. Okay, that's basically what I just read for you says the ethics and morals involved with legally bribing Or lobbying are complicated. That's the next sentence in the Wikipedia. Let me explain lobbying bribing Okay, it's literally bribes Okay, and the definition I read for you everything we saw in the Bible. It's lawful bribing What would this be? I don't know like the Surgeon General not wanting to put warning labels on cigarettes Because of the danger it may cause and it may dip their sales So for a long period of time they didn't want to warn people about the dangers of cigarettes so they could make more money This is called a bribe. It's perverted judgment. The fact that the government doesn't want to warn against I don't know vaccination Because of bribes look in 2015 I did a whole bunch of research you want to know some of the most Influential lobbying is vaccination lobbying. I mean they are paying millions and millions of dollars to these legislative leaders these government agencies to pass legislation and in support of certain vaccinations saying everybody has to get this vaccination and Then the government will reward that company with contracts in the billions b-b-billions Because why the lobbyists paid them a bribe foreign funded lobbying efforts include those of Israel Saudi Arabia Turkey Egypt Pakistan and China lobbies and 2010 alone foreign government spent approximately 460 million dollars on lobbying members of Congress and government officials This is Wikipedia. This isn't like some pro New I&B website or something Okay, this is them admitting foreign governments are paying local officials to do what sell out our nation sell out our country a Study from the Kellogg School of Management found that political donations by corporations do not increase shareholder value Oh shocker, but Wall Street spent a record two billion trying to influence the 2016 United States presidential election Two billion dollars were spent by lobbyists Coronavirus stimulus package fuels boom for lobbyists. Here's a title of an article. Oh that coronavirus stimulus. I wonder why they did that Companies interest groups seek to help win a piece of the two trillion dollar bill helpful policy tweaks in 2008 2009 and lobbyist business grew 22% to 3.5 billion so lobbying is a literal business Bribing It's like what do you do? I bribe people professionally. I'm really good at it. I Try to tell people to do something really wicked But I give them enough money to do it anyways, and I'm really good at it. That business is a 3.5 billion-dollar business Wow, this is our country that you live in well, I think Trump's gonna save it Okay Hey, you know what I hope Trump exposes all the wickedness in our country, but you know what it would be the whole government then Expose lobbying then how about get rid of lobbying?