(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If you believed in Christ, you're saved. And your birthright is to inherit the kingdom of heaven. I mean, you're gonna rule and reign with Christ. You're gonna inherit those blessings. But here's the thing. How you inherit and what you inherit is still on the table a little bit. Because while you will be a joint heir with Christ, the Bible makes it clear that we're gonna be rewarded according to our works. Meaning, the portion that you're gonna inherit, what you're over and ruling is gonna be dependent upon how you live your life. And there's gonna be some people that are saved that still despise that birthright, despise that inheritance to some degree, and end up forfeiting a lot of rewards, forfeiting a lot of that portion of the inheritance that they could have made secure by serving God, by serving Christ. And at the end of the day, most people I find struggle with thoughts of not being pleased with who they are. Just in any sense. They're not pleased with the color of their skin. I mean, talk about people not being pleased with color. Michael Jackson, right? They're not pleased with their height. They're not pleased with their genetics. You know, maybe they're more prone to being overweight. Or in some cases, maybe they're more prone to being underweight. And look, people on both sides of that equation, people that are big wish they were small. People that are small wish they were big. People that are tall wish they were shorter. People that are shorter wish they were tall. People that are men wish they were women. It's out there, you know, it's weird. I don't, praise the Lord, I'm a man. You know, but they wish their hair color was different. They wish they had curly hair. And the people that have curly hair wish they had straight hair. And the people that have, you know, more volume wish it was thinner. The people that have thin hair wish they had more volume. And you know, just every form and fashion out there is imaginable. They wish they had certain highlights. Or they wish they had this. You know, everybody just seems to be really discontent with who they are. They don't like who they are, where they're from, what they do, or here's what they don't like. They don't like where they're at. In the sense of what their job is, their financial status. They don't like who they're married to. They don't like who their kids are. They don't like the lack of kids. They don't like Fort Worth, or they don't like Dallas, or they don't like Texas, or they don't like the United States, or they don't like wherever. I mean, people are just so discontent with everything about them. They hate their job, they hate their clothes, they hate their hair, they hate their family, they hate their in-laws. That one's easy. They hate, I mean, just like they're just dissatisfied with who they are. But here's the thing, you can't change most of that. And why be Esau and just despise everything about who you are, why can't you just embrace and love who you are, where you're at? And say, you know what, nuts to all the physical anyways, because I'm in Christ, and I have a great inheritance, I have a great birthright before me, and I can just embrace that birthright. But even in the physical sense, you all have great stuff going for you. And instead of despising all the things that you have in your life, why don't you look with favor and happiness and joy with the things that God's blessed you with. You know, Moses had to forsake Egypt. And Egypt was probably great at that time, but he considered it trash. And at the end of the day, you have to think about this. Esau was replaced by Jacob. And you know what, you can easily be replaced too. When you take for granted the things that God has given you in your life, don't be surprised if God just brings in a Jacob to just grab you by the heels and just say like, oh, you don't like that? I want it. Oh, you don't like serving God? I want to serve God. Oh, you don't like soul winning? I like soul winning. You don't like preaching? You don't like, you know, ministering unto others? You don't like whatever it is? You know, you don't like your family? Who's to say that God won't just strike you with a brain amorism and some other guy will come in and take your family on and say, well, I do like your wife. I do like your children. I do like your house. I do like your goods. You know, instead of despising all the things that you have in this world, why don't you start getting grateful for all the opportunities you have, grateful for all the things that God has blessed you with, saying I actually love these things, I appreciate these things, instead of being like an Esau and just despising everything that we have. You know what? That's what the world is constantly feeding you with. Buy more. Get a bigger house. When's the last advertisement you said? Get a smaller house. Have less possessions. Have more kids. No, it's like a birth control ad and then next to it, it's like a boat. It's not saying sell the boat and have a kid. It's not gonna necessarily paint godly pictures. It's gonna paint zero. It's gonna paint discontentment in your heart, fantasy in your mind, everybody smiling on the billboard, everybody looks attractive on the billboard, and it's like look in the mirror and just get used to it. Like it, appreciate it. You know what? God made you. God likes you. Your parents, your mom likes you, I'm sure. You know, it's a face only a mother could love, but you know what? She loves you. Be appreciative of that.