(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) people.com new article as Dr. Seuss birthday approaches on March 2nd a new study argues that many of the author's classic children books are racist and problematic You didn't know dr. Seuss They're so prideful. Oh, we're aware of all the social and racial issues found in. Dr. Seuss that you're not aware of You're just an idiot cat in the Hat I Mean a walk it in the pocket. It's just so racist, you know This is what they say they say even though Books like Horton here's a who and the Sneetches can be used to promote tolerance and bias or anti racism Katie Ishizuka and Ramon Stevens right in the February 2019 report the cat is out of the bag Orientalism anti blackness and white supremacy in dr. Seuss children books you Know they're so racist against orientalist because they call them slanty-eyed, okay, and They're so anti black because they're never found in the book very very much It says this from the findings. They only find 2% of their characters are people of color Even though it's written in the 1950s, okay Notably every character of color is male So you say even though it's only 2% of the characters are people of color they're always male Okay, it says males of color are only presented and subservient exotified or dehumanized roles The majority of the books are like cats and like animals and weird creatures that you've never even seen before Talk about dehumanization Okay, it says this also means true in the relation to white characters most startling is the complete invisibility and absence of women and girls of color across Seuss's entire children's book collection Well, look do we really does every book have to be a perfect? Picture of the exact demographics that exist in America at that point in time Does have to constantly change I mean is that do they use that same grading technique when they look at TV shows like family matters? Where's all the white people? The Cosby Show, where's all the white people, you know, I'm not mad I watched those shows I liked Urkel, you know I you know, I like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, you know, I like Carlton's dancing You know He's got the white man dance. Oh, I guess that was white supremacy because he danced like a white man, huh? You're not woke enough, bro. I Don't think this I don't someone said that probably I just thought of it. I don't know now. I'm becoming woke I guess I'm seeing all the all the white supremacy It's ridiculous Look at Luke 17 verse 25 But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation You know the thing you have to understand about our culture with all the black lives matter and the LGBT and the racism Is they just hate Jesus and they've rejected Jesus. So really we just live in a society full of reprobates Today and you want reprobates hate the truth You know why all these books are getting banned like doctors. Look. Dr. Seuss was a liberal He was a Democrat they gave his wife gave money to Planned Parenthood after he died they were so mad because he had a book where he said a person is a person no matter how little and So a bunch of anti-abortionist groups used that quote because they liked it so much and then they sued them for Using that line from his book and we're giving the plan. He's not like a Trumper He's not like a conservative. He was on their team and they're attacking him You know why cuz no one's safe from this wokeness. No one's safe from their destruction from the rebellion Look they're rebellious against everyone. They hate everyone they dislike everything and you know, what's eventually gonna happen is the Bible's gonna be hate speech Look if dr. Seuss is hate speech This thing's on the chopping block They just don't want to go after this first They want to get you know other popular care and they say well if we have to get rid of dr Seuss then we have to get rid of your beloved Bible and Of course, you know They won't order like that They'll say well we have to get rid of certain biblical texts that are Racist and you know that have an undertone of colonization. So, you know you can have the message But you can't have that King James Bible because it's just you know full of white supremacy and misogyny And you know superiority from all kinds of different categories It's so hateful, but you know, it's really hateful CNN