(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me give you a quote from William Thompson Kelvin, or better known as Lord Kelvin, if you ever look up or read books on him. He's one of the fathers of thermodynamic theory. This is a quote from him. I have long felt that there was a general impression from the non-scientific world that believes science has discovered ways of explaining all the facts of nature without adopting any definitive belief in a creator. I have never doubted that impression was utterly groundless. He says I've never doubted that impression was utterly groundless. That science, he says, there's all these people that are non-scientific that are out there, and they think that the scientist is trying to explain away God, and he says, he's one of the most successful, look, he has given us, he has given us machines today that run our world, this man, in 18, the late 1800s, and he said that is groundless. Then look what he says on the topic of time, look what he says. You know who else was coming onto the scene around this time, by the way? A man named Charles Darwin. So Lord Calvin said that the non-scientific community is starting to think that we're trying to explain away God, he says that's groundless. And then on time, look what he says. One of the smartest men in history says this, we feel that there is no possibility of things going on forever as they have done for the last 6,000 years. Do you understand what this man gave us? This man just said that there's no way things will keep going on forever as they have for the last 6,000 years. He didn't say 2 billion years, he said 6,000 years. If you think that the earth is 6,000 years old today, people will call you an idiot. I believe that the earth is just a little over 6,000 years old today. Because that's what the Bible says. But that's what he also said. And you know what's funny? You know what's funny? You know what this man gave us? You know what William Rudolph Calvin gave us? He gave us the second law of thermodynamics. Which basically proves mathematically that the earth cannot go on forever. Mathematically. You can prove mathematically that the earth cannot go on forever. See how the universe works. That's what this man gave us. And he saw it. And that, look, he unlocked that secret. God unlocked it for him. Look, these men and men like them delivered to the world the things like your car. The things like electricity. The things like basically the physical basis for every machine that we use today. Men like this and the men that I named, they gave us these things. They basically invented the modern world. Turn to Romans chapter 1. These men invented the modern world. On the other hand, let me read you a quote from Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein, who is literally worshipped today by scientists and the university culture and crowd out there today. Albert Einstein, quote, the word God to me is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness. The word God to me is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness. The Bible, a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. That's not even good grammar. This is Albert Einstein compared to these other men. Turn to Romans chapter 1 and verse number 20. Now I'm going to prove to you not only from the Bible but from the world that this is all wrong. Look at Romans chapter 1 and verse number 20. The Bible says, for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. That's what Lord Kelvin saw. Being understood by the things that are made. You know how I know when a scientist understands the things of creation and he understands God? You know how I know when a scientist understands the world from a biblical viewpoint? He can make things. That's how you know. And you can look at these men and you can look at the men that followed like Albert Einstein and you can judge them by the things that are made. Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, become vain in their what? In their what? In their realities? No. In their imaginations. Man, if this is not Albert Einstein and his children, I don't know what is. And their foolish heart was darkened, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Here's how we know he was wrong. Here's how I know he's wrong. I'm showing you from the Bible how I know he's wrong. Here's how I know he's wrong in the world. Nothing has ever been invented by his theory that he came up with in 1905. Nothing. And I'll leave comments open on this YouTube video and somebody can come up and they can make a comment on something that they thought Albert Einstein, look, nothing, no machine, no materials, relativity, special or general has nothing to do with satellites. It has nothing, you need to read more if you think that. It has nothing to do with, time dilation is an illusion. Find me a clock that isn't relying on gravity and I'll prove that one wrong. Every clock is relying on gravity. Man will never be able to travel through time. Einstein had nothing to do with atomic energy, nothing. The only patents he ever received were related to a refrigerator that he didn't even invent. He was a patent clerk. He did the paperwork. His student invents a refrigerator and he filed the paperwork. I mean, it is his most credited equation. You're like, oh, what about E equals MC squared? He didn't invent that. That was published in 1889. The equation was actually published by Oliver Heaviside in 1889 and later in 1904 and early in 1905 by Fritz Haselnerl and he published this man, published a trilogy of papers using the equation called On the Theory of Radiation in Moving Bodies. Here's a quote from the Scientific American on Albert Einstein. Then Albert Einstein publishes it a few months later. In reconciling, this is from the Scientific American, hardly a Christian document or publication. In reconciling this equation with his theory of relativity, Einstein approximated away the relativistic bits leaving an answer one can derive from purely classical physics. You know what you don't do when you're building a bridge or a building or an airplane or a power plant or anything? You don't estimate away stuff. You don't approximate away things. Einstein was notorious for this. Taking things away and massaging numbers to make his theory fit. That's what he just said. And here's another quote from the Scientific American. One wonders on E equals MC squared. One wonders whether Einstein knew of Hasel-Dorel's work. It is difficult to think he did not given the bulk of the prize-winning trilogy appeared in the most prominent journal of the day. Einstein's work is scientific folklore. That's all it is. And it's weird, by the way, how people attribute everything from modern communications to paper towels to Albert Einstein. It is the weirdest thing. It's the strangest thing. But look, he didn't invent this equation. He didn't invent any machines. But look, God has the last laugh. Because professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. They just used to spend their lives acknowledging God and unlocking his universe. Now we have men like Einstein and then his children, like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Mikio Kaku and all these people. They sit at universities and they theoreticize about putting Jupiter into a coffee cup. Mikio Kaku talks about super alien civilizations. I'm serious. And people are just like, he'll sit in front of these conferences with thousands of people sitting there, just writing down everything he says, talking about how we need to become like a type three alien civilization. It's stupid. And there's a reason that nothing has ever come from it. There's a reason. Look, here's a statement. I have invented more things than Albert Einstein. You're like, that's pretty prideful to say that. Well guess what? Go invent one thing and then so have you. It's crazy. It's crazy. But professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Back to time. God controls time. Time is not a variable. It never will be. God controls it. He uses it. He uses it to manage and motivate us. He uses it to show us the signs, the seasons, the days, the years. Look, it's a tool that he uses and it's a tool that's in his hand for good reason. I mean, look, when they invent the first time machine or they smash Jupiter into a bouncy ball, I will retract this sermon. I'll retract it. I'll be like, you know what? I was wrong about that. I didn't think they'd get Jupiter in there. But look, it's never going to happen. It's never going to happen. Look, I have been privileged to see the limits of technology. I've seen the limits of how small we can make a transistor. I've seen the limits. I've seen the limits of wavelengths of light and how we manufacture things. And then I've seen those limits pushed a little further and further and further and further every year. But these guys, they're off in another realm. Science has left the building, folks. We're not going to control time. And God, look, God only, God not only shows it in this world, he shows it in the Bible that he controls time. And look, he continually makes fools of those that mock him. To believe the theory of special relativity, you literally have to believe that your feet are in the future and your head is in the past. That's how dumb it is. And it makes perfect sense that God is just like, you know what? You mock me, have fun talking about this stuff and having your conferences and talking about alien civilizations and wormholes or whatever you want to talk about, but nothing will ever come because you've mocked, nothing will ever come of it because you mocked me and you professed yourself to be wise. And these other men, I love reading about these other men, these past scientists who were just like, you know what? The universe is so great. The more they studied these things, the more they studied the way particles worked and how materials worked together and how heat transferred through different materials. They're just like, this is proof of God. That's what you'll find from these men before the Albert Einstein. It reminds me of Matthew 7, 18, where basically, you know, a corrupt tree, he just keeps bringing forth corrupt fruit. That's science today, unfortunately. God controls time. Not us. There will never be a time machine. Try to break it to you. You'll have to read about it in books, but you probably shouldn't be reading those books anyway.