(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I love fantastic stories and I came back from maybe you know work and I was like you know I'm gonna tell a fantastic story and I'm gonna entertain you know my kids and you know it was fun and I'm sure it was fun you know for you tonight and all that all the kids here you know giant spiders but look here's the thing think of this story just Matthew 13 think of this story now just just wipe your mind real quick think of this story there's this great treasure I mean I'm already interested there's this great treasure look it's your job there's this great treasure that's been found and it's your job to deliver it to the people you're like all right oh but every story has an antagonist so our hero which is you it has found this great treasure and has to deliver it to all the people around you but there's an adversary and there's these people out there and they're going to try to stop you from delivering this treasure to the people but guess what you have a sword you have the sword of the spirit in you you have weapons you have you have a two edged sword that's super sharp that you can fight with and and here's the thing as you go out you know the story has a a climax and as you go out and you you deliver the treasure and you fight with your sword and and you have these adversaries constantly trying to stop you and maybe you win over here and maybe you lose over here you get somebody saved and you plant some seeds over here and but then somebody chokes out guess what there's going to be a multitude of different results and different outcomes of this story as you fight this battle and as you deliver this treasure because guess what some are some people aren't going to listen some people aren't going to understand they're not going to want to hear or want to know or want to receive the treasure like the wayside and then you have these people who will receive the treasure but then they they will think it's too much trouble in their life and they will just they'll just hoard it and they'll do nothing with it because that's the stony ground and then as you continue to go out and you're fighting the adversary and you're fighting and you're fighting and you're fighting and you're getting better because guess what i mean as you go out and you fight with the sword you get better at using the sword and you're getting to be better and you're having more successes then you're going to see some people that that that they do well and they receive the treasure but then you know they just get wrapped up in other things and they forget about the treasure that's the thorns and then you see that there's some people out there that understand what they have with the treasure and they learn that they are supposed to go and and deliver the treasure to others as well and then they learn to fight and then you teach them how to use the sword and you teach them to go out and plant that seed that grows into this great herb that has great wonderful healing powers and you see as you plant these seeds and you see you fight this battle and you teach others to fight you see the healing power of the herb and you see how that small seed could turn into something great and you see that small seed planted in somebody five six seven years ago that you thought nothing of you see they turned into a great warrior and have all these branches and make all these differences these are the fruit this is the good ground this is the story of matthew chapter 13 it look it's much better than giant spiders it's much better look i mean it does it not it reads like an adventure story the chapter the one chapter in the bible it's one chapter think of it it reads like the greatest adventure you could ever think of much better than some stupid made-up giant spider the spiders aren't real there it is that's the spoiler but look the bible really outlines this amazing adventure in your life and guess what your part in it is only limited by you your part in this adventure is only limited by your faith you know this bible really outlines this this one chapter in the bible really outlines this amazing adventure that could be your life