(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) for a minute. Jonah 3, 10 is a great verse in the Bible. It's a great verse to disprove this repent of your sins doctrine. These people that will say that in order to be saved you must repent of your sins. You must turn from your sins to be saved. Well good luck because none of us are saved then. Because none of us are going to be able to completely turn from our sins. I mean good luck. You know this is why people are scared to death of whether or not, I mean you could never know if you were saved. And the Bible says you can know for sure. So look, look at Jonah 3, 10. The Bible says in God saw their what? Their works that they turned from their evil way. So these people in Nineveh, it's a beautiful story because it's one of the only stories where a prophet actually goes and preaches at the people and they listen. I mean it's a great motivator for me, right? Where like if your preaching works, you know it worked for Jonah. Even though he still had a bad attitude about it, it worked. He went and he preached against them and they turned from their evil way. And God saw their works. So turning from your evil way, repenting from your sin, turning from your sin is a work that you do. It's a work. If I'm a drunk and I decide that I'm going to not be a drunk anymore or if I'm a pot head or a whatever and I'm just like, you know what, I'm going to stop doing that. I'm going to repent from that. That's a work that I've done. It's a good work. It's something that you should do, but it's a work. And the Bible says that for by grace are you saved through faith and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works. It's very clear. So turning from your sins, stopping drinking, stopping whatever, does not save you. It can never save you. I hate to break it to you folks, but you can't be good enough to cover for what you've already done. So the first thing that we see is that turning from your sin is works. Alright? And the second thing that we see is that the word repent means to just change your mind. It means to change. Look, who repented in Jonah 3 10? And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. They, meaning the people of Nineveh, and God repented of the evil that he had said he would do unto them. Evil meaning hurt or bad things that he was going to do. He was going to destroy them. And God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them, and he did it not. There is never a point in the Bible where it says repent of your sins to be saved. Nowhere. It's added. Repent and believe. It means to change your mind from unbelief or in whatever you were believing to believing on Christ. That's repentance. Look, God repented. If you believe that every word says repent in the Bible, it means repent of your sins, you believe that God is a sinner. God repents all over the Bible. It means he simply changes his mind. I mean, look, it's a great motivator for us as well, meaning if we get right with God, maybe God will repent of the chastisement that he was going to do to us. If I am, you know, if I repent of my sins, maybe I can get in good graces with my Heavenly Father. I mean, this is a great motivator for the Christian right here. It's not how to be saved. But you can repent from your evil way. And you should. But it has nothing to do with being saved. So repent means to change your mind. Repent and believe. They change their mind. And look, if you have some work that you're caught up in and you're caught up in some sin that's keeping you from hearing the gospel or believing the gospel or being in the right state of mind where you can listen to the gospel, that sin could keep you from believing. That's possible. Believing to believe means repenting needs to change your mind from unbelief to belief. That's what it means. And if you read everywhere in the Bible it says repent, you will see that that's clear.