(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will show the nations thy nakedness and the kingdoms thy shame. You see, when things are great in this country, when things are really good in this country, you heard those numbers. 3,000 a day, 55 million. When things are great in this country, I think us as Christians, I think we forget about these things. That's what I think. I think that it's easy to go along with our great American lives when everything's going well and we can just do what we want to do and we have the freedoms that we have and all these things, and I think it's really easy to get desensitized to these things. But guess what? They're still there. They're still there. They were there the whole time. And what God has done now, and He's dropped the veil on us, and He's exposed the nakedness in this area. You see, God still sees the violence. Even when things were good and we maybe forgot about it, God still sees it. God always sees it, the violence. He says, no, I'll show you your nakedness. I will drop all of the good that is hiding this murder, and I will show you the bloody city. That's what He says. And let me end here. I like looking for trends, connections, and I don't know if this is one or not, but I'll just show it to you. Most recent data was from 2017 that I could find, but New Jersey and New York had the highest percentage of pregnancies ending in abortion in the United States. California, I'm sure, is not far behind. You say, I don't think that you should say this right now. Isaiah 58 says, cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Look, somebody's got to say it. Somebody's got to say it. Somebody's got to say that, you know, we deserve a lot of judgment in this country. I mean, somebody's got to stand up for these kids. I mean, who's doing it? Who's standing up for these innocent children that are being murdered, for the innocent? You know, my small, weak voice, I'm telling you, is not enough. It's not enough. And in the end, in the end, God's will be done. And if that whirlwind, you know, hits us all, God's will be done. There's a lot of stats flying around these days. There's a lot of stats flying around, a lot of numbers flying around. Let me give you some stats. Every minute, every minute, two children are illegally murdered in this country. Every minute. Where's that chart? Where's that map with the dots? Where are those news stories? There is no news stories about this anymore. Even the pro-life people, there's no news stories about this anymore. Nobody even wants to talk about it anymore. Every minute, two unborn children in this country are butchered. Every single minute. Maybe we should start a website with a map to wake people up. That's our nakedness. That's our skirt upon our face.