(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Reminds me of these bumper stickers that you see all the time like after 9-11 and all that, you know freedom isn't free You know America You know, but here's the funny thing here's the irony it actually is Freedom actually is free the irony of that those bumper stickers and I don't want to get into politics But here's the irony of those bumper stickers If freedom isn't free, so you got these guys are just like freedom America Well, you know they convinced people that they need to go destroy a country, you know on the other side of the world it has nothing to do with their freedom as If destroying Iraq and Syria in all these different countries makes you any more free We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died when in Hiroshima and and You know is the price worth it? I think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price is worth it I mean you have to be some kind of idiot to actually believe that statement They convince them that that makes them more free all the while. They're passing like hundreds of laws Every single year to make them less free. I mean it define irony. I mean, it's crazy. I I heard a I read a libertarian author He wrote a book once and he said something along the lines that there's so many laws in the United States Now if you give me 48 hours, I can find two felonies on anybody He was like this this this constitutional lawyer. He's like there's so many laws That I can just pick a random person and I can find two felonies You just give me 48 hours to look into their life and you know things like that But that's how free you are In America, but look true freedom is in Christ that that's that's the whole idea when you got saved That was your Independence Day When you got saved Okay, and you know what? It's free to you, but it was not free to God He paid a heavy price for it. I told you about the guy drinking a beer in the lawn chair a couple weeks ago What has God ever done for me? Well, you know what he paid everything for you You know He paid for your freedom Imagine if we would take this like imagine all these people that are gonna be at the great white throne judgment And they're gonna realize what was sitting right in front of them that they just didn't take Imagine if we would take a diamond like this big we would put it just like in the middle of the street I mean, how long do you think would be sitting on the street? I Mean everybody would grab it right but that's that that's even work You know, that's not even a close analogy of what's going on. There's this total freedom of a free ticket out of hell That anybody could have and it's free. God offers it to you for free That's it. But nobody wants it So Romans 6 teaches that you know, once you get saved you're free from sin. You shouldn't continue in sin if you do continue in sin You're you're you're just you're choosing to enslave yourself in the flesh