(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I mean to me, I always wanted to be consistent. I mean we see look we see inconsistency in beliefs All the time if you go soul-winning you will see inconsistency to see in people's beliefs You'll go out there and look some people just don't have the desire to have consistent beliefs But the people that have a desire to have consistent beliefs beliefs that make sense What's an inconsistent belief? Here's an inconsistent belief. How do you know you're going to heaven? Because Faith in Jesus But I also have to be good and get baptized and go to church three times a week and all these different things and whatever It's like no you it's either faith in Jesus or works It's either it's either faith or works. Which one is it? They're like both, but faith That's an inconsistent belief if you go soul-winning you will find those people every time you go Every time you go so people that just don't seem to have that in they don't sit down With themselves and their thoughts and their beliefs and decide you know what I'm gonna have consistent beliefs I want to be able to read the Bible And I want to be able to have the Bible make sense to me And I want to be able to you know have beliefs that are consistent in My heart and in my mind those people if somebody is honestly looking for consistent beliefs in their life those people will get saved for sure Because the Bible is just I mean the gospel is just completely consistent. It's just it's not by those things It's by trusting in Jesus. That's it