(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) everyone starts off as a babe in Christ right you come to church you start off as a babe in Christ and what the pastor is feeding you he's giving you the milk he's teaching you how to eat but it comes to a point in your Christian life that you need to grow up and start feeding yourself you know you don't always have to go to a YouTube clip to find out what the doctrine is why don't you just read the Bible and get the doctrine yourself look pastor Anderson pastor Jimenez and in all these other preachers you know what they did they put in the word for it they spend time memorizing and meditating on the Word of God to get these truths and it's not just subject to them you can get it too and if we're not careful you know we spend a lot of time on YouTube and not enough time in the Bible okay now I'm not saying don't go on YouTube if it wasn't for YouTube man we wouldn't have known about a lot of these things amen and thankful for that and you know the mature Christian says I heard it on YouTube but I'm gonna go ahead and prove it myself I'm gonna go to the Word of God see if it's true oh it is true okay I believe it and stick to that but here's the thing a lot of Christians don't even read their Bible sometimes okay they're like man I just want to go listen to a good sermon and there's nothing wrong with listen to a good sermon but you know what you need to read the Word of God yourself why because man should not live by bread alone but by every word that preceded out of the mouth of God and the Bible says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make the way prosperous and then now shall have good success thou thou thou thou thou it's talking to you talking to individuals okay we need to be spending time in God's Word learning the doctrines ourselves the Bible says give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine Jesus much of the time was doing what he was reprimanding the Pharisees saying have you not read simple things have you not read and here's the thing here's the question have you not read you know and I'm not saying you can't ask questions I'm not saying don't go on YouTube by the way subscribe to a channel if you haven't subscribed to the channel almost messed it up there amen hey YouTube's great right subscribe to the channel watch the moments watch the videos do everything again like and subscribe I'm just kidding