(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Some would say, well, we do it to honor our loved ones. You know, I do it to honor my parents. Oh yeah, honor your parents by dishonoring your body by putting your name in Old English on your body to honor your parents. You know, the best way to honor your parents is actually to obey your parents. Well, you know, my parents aren't around. Then the best way for you to honor your parents is by living an honorable life. Because it's a testimony to a world that you were raised right, okay? Some people get tattoos because they just wanna be different which is completely insane. It's an oxymoron. Why? Because everyone has tattoos. So if everyone has tattoos, everyone's getting sleeved up, everyone has these stupid tattoos on their face, these SoundCloud rappers, you're not different. You're like everybody else. You know, if you really wanna be different, get saved and serve God. Why? Because not everyone will get saved and not everyone who even gets saved will even serve God. The Bible says, but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Hey, if you wanna be weird, if you wanna be peculiar, serve God because that's actually a peculiar thing to do in 2021. It's a peculiar thing for young people to go soul-winding, to preach the Bible, to love God, to honor their parents. That's actually weird. To find a young, rebellious teenager is not weird. You find those all the time. To find a young, rebellious teenager who's fornicating and tattooing their body and getting plugs and gauges and just completely just destroying their body, that's pretty common, actually. So to say, well, I just wanna do it to be different, then join the crowd of millions of people who are different like you. Thank you.