(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now go to Proverbs chapter two if you would. Proverbs chapter number two. What is a strange woman? Why is it that the Bible refers to this individual as a strange woman? Well first and foremost, let me say this is that uh, one of the many terms that the Bible uses for this particular individual is not just a strange woman But the Bible also calls her a whore Okay Now that is a very offensive word to use today in 2021 But the Bible uses it and so therefore we should use it And the reason why we should continue to use this because there it has weight behind it You know if you talked about a person or a woman who is a whore today They would say no she you shouldn't use whore. You should say she's promiscuous You know, she she just you know, she she she gets around a little bit or something, you know, well, you know That sounds bad, but it just doesn't sound as bad as a whore And when you use the word whore it sounds a lot more severe It sounds a lot more shameful and so it instills within individuals not to be that way you understand And so a synonym for the strange woman in the Bible is a whore evil woman Uh, but a common one that we see is strange woman. Now when you look at the word strange or stranger in the Bible It's often synonymous with a foreigner Okay, an alien a foreigner someone who is an intruder, okay And this is why this individual is referred to as a strange woman because she is Viewed in the Bible as someone who is a foreigner to a man who is already married. You understand?