(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) when they heard these things that were cuts of the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth that's an interesting statement there okay what does it mean to gnash on someone with their teeth especially okay now think about this the only other people in the bible who are the only other people in the bible that gnashed their teeth people were in hell who weep and wail and gnashed their teeth now why are people weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth because they're in pain so you know what that tells me is that the bible you know actually causes some people to go in pain it's uncomfortable right it's a discomfort to people when they hear god's word why because you know you hear the phrase stepping on their toes right it's like oh man that kind of hurts a little bit oh man you're talking about me you know you start preaching about pants on women right and some of the women like they start gnashing a little bit you start preaching on effeminate men what happens it's a little more high-pitched you know what i mean a little more high-pitched you know they can't really get there low enough but it pains them it bothers them but that's what the bible does why because the bible is completely the opposite of what we've have been taught right his ways are not our ways you know his thoughts are not our thoughts there's a gap between the way we think and the way god thinks and what we need to do is is close that gap and how do we know when we need to close that gap when the preaching of god's word hurts you yeah when it bothers you when it and by the way i'm not talking about like false doctrine right false doctrine should obviously bother you and when someone's preaching false doctrine you know you should just walk out if they're preaching some damnable heresy i'm talking about when the truth is being thundered forth right you know and they start preaching on fornication and on adultery and divorce and all these things that are not popular today to preach on when you start hearing those things don't gnash at the preacher with your teeth don't get mad