(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you know what this whole trial does for us? It helps us to realize how important preaching really is. Right? It helps us to realize how powerful preaching really is. Why? Well because they're trying to kick yours truly out of El Mani, not because I'm like a physical threat to anybody, but because my preaching is a threat. And they know the power in the preaching. They know what the word of God can actually do. That's why all the forces of darkness are the forces of evil and Satan are trying to stop us because they know how powerful the word of God really is. They know how powerful it is to save an individual and they know how powerful it is to reform the mind of an individual to see it the biblical way. The word of God has power. That's why they're trying to manipulate and gaslight the narrative to make me look like the enemy because of the fact that they want me out. They want me to go to Rome. They want me to go somewhere else. But here's the thing. My preaching is going to stay. If I leave El Mani, if we leave El Mani, too late suckas we were already there for three years. We've been plowing that field for three years. We've been getting people saved there for three years. Our preaching is there. Our converts are there. We've already changed their minds. It's already done. And here's the thing. If you move my location, you think there's some sort of force field around El Mani where I'm just like, I can't enter in anymore. Like, what is this? How can you, you know, they think they literally think like moving me out of El Mani is going to solve their problem. Folks, move me to wherever you want to move me to, I can just come back. Like preach. I can send an army of soul winners to just saturate El Mani again. There's no stopping it. No man will forbid us. They'll try to stop us, but no man can forbid us. Why? Because God has given us the commandment to do so. You know what? If God commands us to do so, no one can stop us. Yeah, but we'll take your life. But you know what? Yeah, but if you take my life, someone else is going to take my place. Someone else, you think I'm the only one who thinks like me in my church? There's a group of men in our church who can preach just as hard, if not harder than me, who if they take me out of the picture, one of the other guys will just take over and just keep preaching hard. And if you take him out, someone else will take their place. Look folks, our church, you know, has ladies in it, but there's a bunch of men, hardcore men that are just like their pastor. So yeah, you take me out of the picture, that's fine. I spent three years training a bunch of guys. They're just like me. You're not going to be able to stop us.