(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But here's the most obvious reason why people are barren spiritually, okay? Lack of soul winning. Bottom line. I mean you can't get it simpler than that. You just don't go soul winning. Or here's the thing, pastors want to grow their church or they want to do something great for God but they're not soul winning. Look at Revelation chapter 2 verse 1 says unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which are say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and has borne and has patience and for my name's sake has labored and has not fainted nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou are fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy candlestick out of his place and accept thou repent so we see this church they had all their ducks in order spiritually speaking I mean they were trying the apostles you know the luz del mundo they knew that they were wicked you know they spoke against the mormons they had all their ducks you know I mean they were doing good they're doing the bus ministry they had all their sunday school classes they had all the right things and they looked right but guess what they weren't so many they had left their first love what's the first love telling people about Christ I mean you think of the time when you got saved okay for most people the first time they get saved you know who they want to tell about the Lord their family and their friends they've been there they may not be complete or perfect and how they present the gospel right but they want to why because they love the fact that Jesus saved them and they want Jesus to save their family and friends but you know what Christians have gotten to a point and the reason they are barren in their Christian life 10 years 15 20 years later is because they stopped so wanting themselves they're getting themselves involved in a bunch of work that's not soul winning okay and what do they do and this is one of the I'm getting ahead of myself they're expecting their congregation to go so many and not them they'll go do their two visits right I mean I've had congregants tell me yeah my pastor what he does is he just he sends me out with the map expects me to go soul winning and and I say can I go with you and he says I gotta go do these visits and then I got a meeting and then I gotta go to Starbucks and then I gotta you know he's gotta do a whole bunch of other stuff you know no you need to make time for soul winning okay or else you will die spiritually now look some people bring forth fruit more than others I mean I some tonight when we take so many numbers you'll hear people six you know I was like I'm like man six good night you know five three everyone bears different amounts of fruits obviously okay but here's the point you need to bear fruit okay but what do we have to we have pastors that are fruitless they're barren their their womb is not bearing fruit why because they're just not soul winning and you know why because they don't think it works but who cares what you think just do it because it's supposed to be done you know and the reason many of the old churches in the old IFB are dying is because of this matter right here they're not soul winning you know they they started observing the the liberal churches and how they have five thousand ten thousand yeah ten thousand dead corpses that's what it is you know you go I remember I used to travel down the 710 freeway and um 710 for a while had this thing where just dead animals are just you know they get hit there's like a pit bull and you would see a pit bull lying there on the ground like man that thing got wiped out you know that thing was cool and then like the day later it was like really big and then the next day it would be like swelling up it was huge and the reason why is because all the all the maggots and stuff and the gases were coming out that was a very big corpse but you know what it was dead so a lot of these liberal churches they have these big huge attendances yeah that looks good and finding danny on the outside but it's dead on the inside