(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) People are not going to be fighting the mark of the beast they wanted. Who are the people going to be fighting? Those who don't want to take it. They're going to be like, oh you are the one of those people. You guys are anti mark of the beast. It's not anti-vaxxer, they're like you're anti mark of the beast. You're the reason why you know my kids are going to get sick because now they've upgraded. Did you get the upgrade on the mark of the beast? Now you know the chip that's in your forehead or in your hand is able to detect certain sicknesses in your body and cleanse you of that and if you're not taking it man you're just like a leper. They're going to look down on people like that. That's why the Bible even says that father shall deliver up son for what reason? You know if if if your family if they're not saved you know and they don't have a religious background you really think that they're just gonna deliver you up because they just hate you? No it's because you're not doing something that they're doing and you they think you're a threat to them. I mean that's happening today folks where families literally have these conflicts because of vaccinations. I love you man but I just I just can't have you around my family when your kids aren't vaccinated. I can't believe this it's just like unbelievable. I mean they think we're crazy for not being vaccinated right? Well that entire agenda with vaccines is simply to condition the minds of people to prepare them for the mark of the beast. That's what I believe and I don't think that's a far-fetched idea. Oh you're such a conspiracy theorist and I can't believe you're saying that. I mean think about it think about it for a second. They're conditioning the population to allow some doctor to stick a needle into your arm and fill you with poison thinking that you're gonna become better you know and if the vast majority of the population is doing it and they're causing people to look down on those who don't that's the mentality that they want to condition the masses to have in order to prepare them when the mark of the beast is implemented.