(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'm like, I thought we were in Armageddon though. You know, obviously we understand that hell is in the center of the earth, right? And the lake of fire is a separate location of hell, okay? So if he's coming with his army and he's confronting the Antichrist, he's destroying them and it says there these both were cast alive into the lake of fire. How were they so quickly transferred to that lake of fire? How does that even work? Like is the lake of fire here on like earth or something like that? Has anybody ever thought about it or am I the only one who's ever thought about that? I'm the only one who's ever, okay. Well you're thinking about it now. Where does the lake of fire come from is the question, right? Go to Daniel chapter 7, hold your place here. I'm going to show you where the lake of fire comes from. And why is it that when he comes to destroy these armies, he just so quickly transferred the Antichrist and his false prophet to the lake of fire right then and there, okay? The lake of fire is also referred to as hell, okay? And it's just a much larger hell, so to speak, okay? No one is currently in the lake of fire now. Anybody who's ever died without Christ is currently in the center of the earth which is referred to as hell. In Revelation chapter 20 at the great white throne judgment, the damned who were not saved, those who had not trusted Christ as their savior, they're going to be resurrected so to speak in order to be judged by the books and to see, to basically condemn them to the lake of fire. So this is the only window of time that they get any kind of relief. But even then it's not relief because you're standing before the judge, okay? Talk about anxiety. Takes him out of hell, judges them and he casts them into the lake of fire. So you wonder like, well, if the white throne judgment is in heaven but they're cast into the lake of fire, but in Revelation 19 they're in Armageddon and the beast and the false prophet are cast in the lake of fire, how does that work? Where is it? Look at verse 9 of Daniel chapter 7 and let me just say this is that obviously we never want to use the Old Testament to interpret the New Testament, but they work in tandem, right? They give information that maybe the New Testament doesn't have and God, you know, the New Testament doesn't give and God often does that just because you should assume that you know what already took place in the Old Testament and fit the pieces of the puzzle together, right? Look at verse 9. I beheld, this is referring to what we're reading in Revelation 19, I beheld to the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hairs of his head like the pure wool, his throne was like a fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire. I want you to notice verse 10, a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousands, thousands ministered unto him and 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him. The judgment was set and the books were opened. We're going to get into it a little bit, but then later on you see that the antichrist and his false prophet are cast into that stream. Where does the lake of fire come from? It comes from God himself because it says it's a fiery stream and look folks, a stream feeds a lake. The stream feeds the lake. So guess what? Wherever God is, there's a one-way ticket to the lake of fire. You say, whoa, that's kind of crazy. Probably shouldn't even say that. Well, hold on a second. Our God is a consuming fire. And his wrath is being issued from his own bosom. Hell is not some separated, you know, separation from God as they say, right? It's a separation from God. No, hell comes from God. The lake of fire comes from God. It's the express manifestation of his wrath that issues from him. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Why? Because as he's judging, he just tosses him into that stream which feeds the lake of fire. Scary thought folks. You ever seen those images where, you know, they literally put like a lake of fire and people are, you know, they're being tossed and they're like, it's somewhat accurate. The only difference is that at the beginning of that stream, you have God. That's why he's able to just come, destroy them, and they're immediately located to the lake of fire. Why? Because the stream of fire that's coming forth from him, that's where they're being tossed into and they go straight into the lake of fire. Look, God is everlasting. He has no beginning. He has no end. This is why the lake of fire will never go away. This is why they shall burn forever in the presence of the lamb. Why? Because it comes from him. Sit on that for a while. Think about that for a while. You know what that should make you do? It should make you think. It should make you understand like the depth of his love, but also the exceeding depth of his wrath. The Bible tells us in 2 Thessalonians 1 verse 7, and to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels. In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord. Isn't that interesting? And from the glory of his power. It's not saying you're going to be away from the presence of God. It means the presence of God is what's destroying you.