(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We do these things now you say well, what does that have to do with Jeremiah chapter 10? Well, a Bible college is simply that it's the way of the heathen They got their teachings there. We're running out of space here Guys, if you can help get some chairs and find Some chairs there. Hey, this is a good problem to have amen Bible college is simply the way of the heathen. You won't find Bible college first and foremost in the Bible but you also you look throughout history any University or college that was instituted was a secular institution and people will say well, you know, you look at Harvard liberal school right Harvard Harvard started out as a Christian college to train preachers and etc But here's the thing. They were established by who by Congregationalist they were established by Puritans by Presbyterians. We're Baptist Congregationalists do not believe they baptized their own they baptized babies So, why would we pattern our institutions off of the Presbyterians Why would we pattern our institutions off of the Congregationalist or anybody else other than Baptist other than the Bible? It's foolishness and folly. It's learning the way of the heathen The customs of the people are vain the Bible says now look at first Timothy chapter 3 verse 14 It says these things write I unto you hoping to come unto you unto thee shortly But if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God Which is the church of the Living God the pillar and ground of truth that doesn't say Bible College This is the church is the pillar and ground of truth and you know You talk to people who you know support Bible College. They'll tell you these phrases. Okay, they'll say this Well Bible College is an extension of the church. You know, it's a it's a ministry of the church That's what they'll say, but the extension of the church is right here. It's the members within the church Okay, it's not this cream-of-the-crop students who are willing to pay thousands of dollars Going to debt thousands of dollars to learn to sit there for four hours a day listening to some teacher parroting some unsaved guy They're paying people who are simply parroting David cloud Who wants to learn from David cloud? He's unsaved