(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) be red like crimson they shall be as wool so what is he saying hey if you want to be restored you got to cut the umbilical cord if you want for me to bless you again then something has got to go you have to cease from doing evil and you have to learn to do well he is expecting for them to do something on their part why because his restoration would be reciprocated once they repent okay and this is similar to what we see in the book of james for example in chapter number four where he says draw nigh to god and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double minded okay so basically you have to be the one to initiate getting right with god and god will take care of the rest he wanted them to cut the umbilical cord he wanted them to cut that cart rope okay that cord of vanity that was drawing all that sin all those transgressions he wanted them to cut it okay because it was going to cause them to die it was going to cause them to be judged he wanted them to sever that attachment to sin now go with me if you went to the book of colossians colossians chapter number three now i have this as an illustration obviously this is uh not the best illustration of of an umbilical cord okay we have doctors in our church forgive me for the the plumpness of this it's typically pretty flat and very gray okay if you've actually ever seen one but an umbilical an umbilical cord is the fleshly tube that connects an unborn baby to his mother's placenta right and basically you know it's known as the baby supply line that's what they use to be able to to receive blood and nutrients and oxygen and basically they're fed through that too okay opinions as to when you cut it you know if you have fallen prey to the industrial birthing complex you know they seek to cut it right away right because they need a good turnaround on that bed and sometimes you know people will go to a birthing center or they have a midwife and they'll they'll let you keep it for like an hour or something you know my son is isias when he was born that thing was attached to him for like an hour and then then i cut it or whatever but here's the thing you know regardless of what you opinionate when it should be cut you would expect to look at my son right now and not find an umbilical cord attached to him right it's like yeah you know you keep it on for an hour 15 minutes 20 minutes it really doesn't matter or cut it off right away or whatever but here's the thing you know he he's he's getting older okay he is two years old you know it's time to have cut the umbilical cord at that point okay he said where are you going with this well think about this now obviously no illustration is perfect but think about this you know when we're born again at that point you know we come to the christian life with a lot of baggage do we not sinful baggage the bible says and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sin wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of power the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom we also had our conversation in time past walking and the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath so we come to the christian life with sin we come with bad habits we come with things that are not pleasing to god but when we're born again when we get saved what does god expect us to do to cut that umbilical cord the