(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) what happens though if you don't cut that umbilical cord of temptation when now you have what's called lust okay I need some John your lust come on over here stand next to Maury I'm gonna embarrass every single one of you guys today I'm just kidding all right lust so if you don't have a buffering zone if you don't have standards and you don't take care you're not far away from temptation what's going to happen is you're going to be nice and close to temptation and then what's going to happen is you're going to commit the sin of lust now lust is a sin but lust is a sin of the heart not necessarily an outward expression of sin as of yet so you have temptation then you have lust excuse me and lust basically means when you begin to covet okay we know this because Paul said in in Romans chapter number seven I had not known lust except the Bible said the word of God said thou shall not covet okay except the law has said thou shall not covet and what he's referring to is the fact that in the Old Testament in Exodus chapter 20 the Bible says thou shall not covet and then it goes through various list of things you shouldn't covet your neighbor's man-servant maid-servant your neighbor's ass or your neighbor's wife okay he's basically saying don't lust after those things to lust means to desire something that doesn't belong to you okay so when you allow yourself to be tempted now what happens is that you create lust in your heart for that which you should not have that God doesn't want you to have okay now we read the verse Matthew 5 says but I say unto you whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery where already in his heart says you're committing adultery in the heart it's not a physical adultery you say well they're both bad yeah obviously they're both bad I know that but both of them are different degrees of sin because one act of the actual act of adultery will actually get you the death penalty in the Old Testament himself okay and so obviously they're different because of the fact that we see the repercussions of physical adultery is actually the death penalty in the Bible okay and so when you don't stay away from temptation then you get involved in lust now go to Proverbs chapter number four if you would Proverbs chapter number four what does this mean well this is when you begin to entertain the thought of having that which you should not have you begin to entertain the possibilities of what may come to pass if you play the lottery and you make a million dollars oh man if I just had a million dollars I would tithe to the church hey I would I would bypass your billing that would therefore they don't have to blow up his building it you come up with all these reasonings in your mind like you know God I would do something with it righteous with it you begin to entertain the possibilities of that temptation and that is referred to as lust now you say well you know what's wrong with the little lust in my heart well here's what's wrong with it is that once you've entered into this stage you're pretty much very close into entering with into the next stage which is sin and every single person I mean well not every single person but there's many examples in the Bible of people who temp were tempted they lusted and they took let me give an example Eve right she saw she desired and she took and worst of all she gave to her husband well what's the problem with that I don't know you know she just damned all of mankind condemned all of mankind right now all of mankind you know for for thousands of years people have been dying and going to hell and you know we have all this crazy nonsense going on because of Eve sin you know obviously there's some major repercussions when you are tempted you give in to that temptation you lust and then you give in to sin