(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know at salvation God has a plan for the rest of our lives and even for the end of our lives when we are glorified. Look at Romans chapter 8 and verse 28 let me make a comment before we read it. This is why it's it's here's the thing it's you know sometimes people think well I got saved later on in life and I made a lot of bad decisions prior to salvation. You know I got in bad relationships or I experimented with drugs or you know I just did a lot of bad stupid stuff prior to salvation you know did I miss God's perfect will no you didn't because here's the thing look at Romans 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the Bible says. So the Bible is teaching us that even though you made bad decisions you have you know you know you dated wrongly growing up or maybe you had a child out of wedlock or you experimented with drugs or you know whatever it is that you came out of you know the Bible's telling us here that God can still work together all those things work together for good to them to love God so he can turn that into a blessing you understand and sometimes people get this this misconstrued thought and say well you know how can a person like that fulfill God's perfect will you know they can't be a pastor well then you have a twisted view of God's perfect will because you think it's being a pastor as God's perfect will that's not true that's the will for some people's lives but it's not for others no I think that's God's perfect will and you know people can forfeit what about women you know I mean that's never God's will for any woman to be a pastor you know when we talk about God's perfect will it's it's a destination that God has for you you know to earn rewards to serve him to live a life of joy and fulfillment you know a purpose for your life and it doesn't necessarily have to do with being a pastor or being an evangelist or a deacon it just has to do with you fulfilling his perfect will according to the according to the will of God verse 29 says for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be saved no to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brother you see God's will for every Christian is that we become Christ like right and more than that that we would conform 100% to the image of his son now let's just be honest that's never gonna happen this side of eternity because we have the flesh the spirit lusts against the flesh the flesh lusts against the spirit these are contrary one to the other city cannot do the things that you would we're still waiting for the redemption of our body at which point we will be like him the Bible says