(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We have a couple guys here that lift right raise your hand if you lift Okay, all right There's something called when you when you lift for a certain amount of time and you what plateau, right? it's like there's a time when you couldn't lift a certain amount, but now you can and The the temptation is just to stick to that Right, but you know what happens when you just stick to that you plateau and you no longer grow Right, so what do you have to do? So that's almost like a it's like you're doing it you're still sweating you're working your muscles But you go home and you still look scraggly Like man, my chest is not getting bigger my biceps are not big and my traps and blah blah blah blah blah I just don't look the way I wanted to look because you've plateaued Now here are you two options stop working out because you think it doesn't work Right, or you actually have to put more weight Because the way you get out of plateauing is by putting on more weight more plates, right? Well, I can't even lift it. Well, that's the point You have to try to lift things that you can't lift in order to grow in that area, right? now Here's the thing as a church or as an individual. Well, let's say as a church first as a church. We will hit We will plateau We will hit a lid We will reach a point. It's just like hey brother. Yeah, it doesn't seem like we're growing anymore What's up with that? Like So is are we not right with god? You know, is is there people just what's going on? Let's call the lid You hit a lid you plateaued Now this is what the plateauing doesn't mean it doesn't mean well, I guess we're doing things wrong So we got to switch the way we preach we can't do door-to-door soul winning. So let's just stick to evangelistic services You know, let's open up a bus ministry And just bus in 50 kids and not even check on their salvation list with the numbers just all about the numbers That's not what that means Plateauing is not a stop sign. It's a growth sign So what does that mean? It means okay, we've hit our potential in this chapter of our lives. It's time to flip the page And work a little harder put a little more weight on the bar Spar with someone who is a seasoned boxer or a kickboxer if you want to be better You know, it's not fun when you get into a kickboxing match With someone who's just as good as you because you're not going to grow You have you actually have to spar with someone who's better than you Who punches harder kicks harder is faster if you want to grow that's true in jiu-jitsu Is it not if you want to grow as a jiu-jitsu practitioner? You have if you're a white belt you have to go with the blue belts and the purple belts If you want to get better Oh, I just feel like I plateaued. Okay, then it's time to put more weight On the bar, that's all it means Look at second corinthians eight Verse one it says moreover brother We do you to wit of the grace of god bestowed on the churches of macedonia How that in great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded into the riches of their liberality For to their power I bear record. Yay and beyond Their power they were willing of themselves praying us with much entreaty that we should receive the gift And take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints You say what are we trying to do when we hit that lid go beyond our power? I don't know if I can do that Well, you know what? Maybe as an individual you can but as a church we can We can add more weight And help you along. I mean When you lift weights, let's say you bench press you experts out there When you bench press if you lift A heavier weight doesn't it help when you have a spotter even put two fingers below the bar or something? when they're like And you just like you just tap it for some reason it helps I don't know if it's like black magic or voodoo I don't know what it is, but it does help, right? well in like manner If you're not ready for that extra weight just push And the members will just kind of help you along And you know what give it a couple months give it a couple weeks And you'll be able to lift that weight just fine Okay beyond your power The bible says in second corinthians 1a, you don't have to turn that we would not brethren Have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in asia that we were pressed out of measure above strength In so much that we despaired even of life paul saying man I felt like we were dying But you know what except the corner we fall to the ground and die it abideth alone But once it falls and it dies it brings forth much fruit So in order to get beyond that lid in order to get beyond that plateauing. We just got to put more weight And look, we're not plateauing right now. Hey, man. We're still growing. I'm just preparing you for when we do plateau because it will happen And that's not a time to get critical and that's not a time. Oh what's going on and start complaining You know what? I'm going to tell you time to put more weight Time to go to the other most parts of the world time to create new ideas new films new soul winning areas Time to do more is what we need to do because we hit a plateau. We've reached the potential of where we're at It's time to go beyond that