(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But here let me let me say this so obviously in the Bible God condemns abortion. He condemns the pill, condemns abortion, condemns all of that. How do we apply that spiritually? Well spiritually you know people commit abortion all the time. Now people used to tell me and I used to believe this as well and I was wrong for this. I used to hear this a lot that if you don't disciple someone who you lead to the Lord you're committing spiritual abortion. How many of you ever heard something like that? Like if you don't follow up, if you don't disciple them you know you're committing abortion but that doesn't make any biblical sense at all because they passed from death into life. So that would be like almost like I wouldn't doubt that the Pentecostals believe that because Pentecostal believe you could lose your salvation. So it's like they die spiritually and you know they go to hell yeah but the people we lead to the Lord because we're giving them the right gospel they will never lose your salvation. Okay the Charismatics obviously will believe that the Mormons can believe that all they want. We don't believe that. As soon as we lead them to the Lord they get saved they're saved forever. You know for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. Jesus said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. He said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. When does never end? Never! So we don't commit spiritual abortion when we don't disciple someone. Now am I against discipleship? Absolutely not. It's vital. Okay the training of people teaching them to learn the Word of God getting preaching from the pulpit you know teaching them how to sow and how to live a clean life all these things are very much important but if we don't do it it's not spiritual abortion. Okay you say so what is spiritual abortion brother Bruce now go with me if you would to Luke chapter 11. I'm gonna show you what spiritual abortion looks like. See spiritual abortion is when you kill the opportunity for someone to get saved because obviously someone's dying right like the child dies. Well what's one way that us what is spiritual abortion look like look at Luke 11 verse 52 it says here woe unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge you entered not in yourselves and then they were entering in ye hindered so what is spiritual abortion false doctrine when the pastor gets up and preaches a repenting your sins gospel that's called abortion when the pastor gets up and talks about salvation any other way other than for by grace through faith that's abortion why because you're killing people spiritually they're depending upon their own works and they are gonna die and go to hell that is spiritual abortion right there okay when you're teaching a false doctrine let me say this you know just like in real life how people there's pastors and Christians who disagree and they would say you know you know I don't believe in the pill you know I don't think it's right you know but if people in the church want to do that that's on them you know that's that's applicable spiritually as well because there's pastors who say you know I don't believe in repenting your sins I don't believe in these false doctrine but there's people in the church who have that you know they're just a little off that's okay no it's not okay if it's not right for you it's not right for your congregants that's spiritual abortion false doctrine that teaches people how to go to hell