(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Is by which also you're saved if you keep in memory What I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain now the question is what does it mean? To believe in vain. What does that mean? Well, i'm saved if I keep in memory unless you know, whoever whatever soul owner gave me the gospel when they preached unto me I just believed in vain. What does that actually mean? Well The most simplest way to define this is this to believe in vain means you never believed in the first place It doesn't mean you forget your salvation It doesn't mean that you got saved But all of a sudden you start following a different jesus you became a mormon you became a jovis witness You went back to the catholic whore of a church, you know, you went back to your old system of beliefs No, when the bible says you believed in vain it means you never really believed in the first place This is what this is referring to. You know, it's when people give lip service I guarantee you when we go out soul winning everyone who we think we see saved is not all they don't always get saved Now the vast majority of i'm sure sure of them do but you know what there's going to be times when people pay lip service They tell us what we want to hear. They just give the right answers. Yay. They'll even pray with you But you know what? They believed in vain In fact today I remember I went with brother, uh hector I want to go preach the gospel and I got I got to witness to this young man And I believe he got saved the reason I believe he got saved. He just seemed very receptive He was answering the question that I was giving to I think it was his aunt or his father both of them and I believe he got saved But you know the second person we ran into They listened to the entire gospel presentation. They agreed with every single point She agreed with every point she gave me all the right answers But then when I asked you would you like to you know, pray and trust christ as your savior. She says no Now i'll be honest with you someone who believes What I just explained to them in regards to the gospel if they don't want to accept it if they don't want to pray I don't believe that they're believing You know because if you believe you're going to hell you believe that salvation is free You believe that you have you don't have to do anything. You don't have to keep the commandments You don't have to be a good person and you just completely reject it. You're just like no i'm good I don't believe you're even paying attention the whole time I think that people like that are just trying to be nice They're trying to just get you off their back They have people skills Right and what they're doing is just giving you the answers and look there's people like that. No, we didn't pray with that lady I just gave her the verses and I moved on but you know Sometimes we do pray with people like that and I guarantee you they believe in vain. Okay? An example of this would be judas iscariot If you think about it Because he was one of the 12 apostles. He was with jesus christ for three and a half years and pentecostals Will erroneously use him as an example to say well he lost his salvation. No, he never believed He said show me proof of that. Well, john chapter six. You don't have to turn there verse six He says many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this is in hard saying who could hear it When jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it He said unto them does this offend you? What and if he shall see the son of man to send up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickened it the flesh profit is nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit in their life, but There are some of you That lost your salvation No, there are some of you that forgot you were saved. No, there are some of you that believe not Now For jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not And who should betray him? So what is this telling us here? This is telling us that jesus christ already knew from the beginning when he says the beginning He's referring to the beginning of that ministry Who did not believe he already knew you know what this shows me that judas didn't believe later He didn't believe and then stopped believing He didn't get carried about carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of man And cunning craft in his whereby they line way to deceive No, in fact, he was the one doing the deceiving because he acted like he was a follower of christ He acted like he was saved but the bible tells us here that he believed not from the beginning So this is a perfect example of someone Who believed in vain they didn't really believe now there may be two cases of this Maybe someone who thinks that they believed But they're still adding works to their salvation Haven't you heard of catholics who say well, I believe in jesus I believe i'm saying I believe you have to trust jesus christ as your savior, but you have to do your part That person is believing in vain But then there's also the person who is just a deceiver They are liars You know infiltrators false teachers false prophets reprobates who come to our church and they try to infiltrate and they'll talk to talk They'll walk the walk. They're wolves in sheep's clothing. They're they'll act like they truly believe but what is it? They're actually lying