(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Why are you looking back to Egypt? All the garlic and the leeks. You know what's funny is that when people look back, they always look at the good old times. You know, oh, I remember the good old days when me and my buddies used to go and drink. Yeah, but what about the hangover, though? Remember when you were throwing up your guts? Remember that? Remember when you were throwing up your guts? Remember when you got beat up because you're mouthing off because you're a drunkard? You remember when you crashed your vehicle or your buddy died? What about the bad things that happened in those times? What fruit had he then and those things were of year now ashamed by the sense? You see, what we need to do is if you do look back, look back to all the nonsense that took place in those days. That'll help you to say, man, I don't wanna even think about that. You should look back at the times that the events that happened in your life that embarrassed you. That caused you to say, you know what, thank God. I'm saved now. I thank God that I'm in church. Thank God that I'm living for God. You know, I left all that behind, okay? And obviously, I'm not preaching a sinless doctrine because you know what? We need to take heed lest we fall. But you know what? One thing we can do to minimize that is not looking back. Exodus 16 verse three says, And the children of Israel said unto them, Woe to God! We have died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full, for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness to kill us this whole assembly with hunger. You bunch of whiners. This is a lie. You're not starving. You just want quail. That's what it is. What to God? What are you talking about? You were crying out to God for salvation. Have you forgotten that? People sometimes, they just remember the old lifestyle, the old friends, the old habits, and they're like, man, it was great back then. Not necessarily. You were a loser. You were a loser. Look, anybody in our church who used to drink alcohol, you were a loser, right? Because why does a mock or strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived by it is not wise? If you're not wise, you're a fool. If you're a fool, you're a loser. They just remember, oh, I miss the 40s, the tall boys. Oh, you miss being a loser. Oh, you miss being a wino, a drunker. Is that what you're saying? You see, we need to maximize the terms that we use when we talk about the old life. Oh, man, all the girlfriends I have. Oh, you mean the, because you're a fornicator. You're a whoremonger. That's what you miss? You miss whores? Is that what you're saying? Loose women and whores? Well, no, we call them being a player. Well, Bible calls them being a whoremonger. Okay? Oh, you miss being a slut. See, then that doesn't seem very glamorous anymore, huh? I mean, pastor, do you have to say it like that? Yeah, we need to make sin look exceedingly sinful so you don't look back. And when you do look back, you're like, oh, man, yeah, I'm embarrassed about that. Let's talk about future things instead.