(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now let me just say this is that you know, um, there's a city out there called El Mani, okay? And we were there for about what would have been four years We're almost there for four years Hey in my opinion we subdued El Mani Because we plowed that field for like three years every single week Soul winning there getting people saved there. He said oh hi I know you subdued people there because we still got people there And I'm not even talking about people who still come to our church There's people who live there who come to our church I'm talking about there's people there who got saved through the efforts of First Works Baptist Church And they are listeners of First Works Baptist Church They just don't want to attend our church. I mean You know, they they just I don't know They're just afraid or they don't you know, but their fans are First Works Baptist Church. They're fans of the preaching. I Mean brother brother Ulysses lives in in El Mani and oh man. I just revealed his location He's done He lives there and he was telling me that I don't know where is he? Is he here? Is he skipping church? He's skipping church. Oh, he's back there. He was telling me is it the gas station? The gas station right here. He goes to this gas station and Like I don't know it was a while back and and it was after the bombing after all that but he went to the gas station and the lady like recognized them and She's like Do you go to that church? You know automatically you think to yourself like ah, dang, here we go And then he's like, yeah, you know First Works and everything and she's like, man. I love that. I love that preaching And Then like every once in a while like he'll go back to get gas there and then she'll tell him she's all man that rod Of iron podcast I was so funny. I love that episode and then she's like, what is this gonna come out? But they're just keeping up They're still listening after the bombing took place a police officer went to Ulysses and Started listening to my preaching because of the whole thing. He's like I started listening to your pastor and through your pastor I found pastor Anderson. He's like, I like what those good. I like what they say. He's the whole thing about women. He's right It sounds like they've been subdued Yeah, but you're not there anymore when my signs still there Our garrison still there Our church members still mob up and down in the street every once in a while without fear We've already got a bunch of people saved and look when that whole protest happened They're like we're gonna get you out of here. I'm like you're like too late. The damage has already been done The damage has been done The kingdom has been subdued We've already won a bunch of people to Christ people here like us people here listen to the preaching and So, you know you said what are you doing here? I'm trying to subdue this area We've been subduing it and we don't just try to subdue the area that we're located. We go into other areas South Central We've been subduing South Central What do you mean by subdue bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ? Going out there preaching the gospel changing the minds of the masses through the gospel of Jesus Christ getting them saved Portions of Los Angeles Compton South Central Watts, I mean we've been putting in work Going about subduing kingdoms Rosemead Alhambra Belize You said why why do you have all these sowing emissions programs because we're subduing kingdoms, that's why