(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So I believe even though it's not explicitly told anywhere other than this portion of scripture that That this is the destroyer. I believe it is, you know, it's using a lot of that terminology of destruction destroying and plagues. Okay? now Here's the thing is that sometimes when we read the Bible and we read about these particular stories or these angels We think that they're only subject for that time period Like the destroyer, you know, yeah, he already had his career Egypt You know in the wilderness with David You know, he's not gonna exist anymore after that. I believe in my opinion the destroyer is still active and I believe he's been active even after the Bible was written Because the because throughout history you've had these plagues throughout history that have killed I mean entire populations The Plague of Justinian was a plague that took place It says the pandemic is believed to have originated in Africa and then spread to Europe through infected rats on merchant ships It reached the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 541 AD and was soon claiming up to 10,000 lives per day So many that unburied bodies were eventually stacked inside buildings or left out in the open Folks in my opinion. That's the destroyer Because that's his handiwork It says even after it subsided in Byzantinium the plague continued to reappear in Europe Africa and Asia for several years causing widespread famine and devastation It's believed to have killed at least 25 million people, but the actual death toll may have been much higher than that How about the Black Death? The Black Death would eventually spend half a decade This is in the 1300s the Black Death would eventually spend half a decade tearing across the continent The populations of whole towns were wiped out and it was said that the living spent most of their time burying the dead in mass graves What you're doing today? Oh, I got like five to bury today They spent most of their time burying people You spent your time working Spending time with your family sowning coming to church their entire day is just filled with burying dead bodies Medieval physicians listen to this if you get nothing get this, okay Medieval physicians tried to combat the disease using bloodletting lancing and other crude techniques But with little understanding of its cause most fell back on the belief that it was a divine punishment for their sins Some Christians even blamed it on Jews They're like it's the Jews fault And they actually what they did is they they started getting rid of the Jews out of their land Hey, they're on to something they men Well they're right You know God was judging them So yeah, you know the destroyer Yeah, he's written, and he's spoken of in the Bible, but guess what this guy's career extends even after that