(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) agreement at the temple of God with idols now here's the thing is this is one subject and one topic with the Catholics is very offensive to them if you attack it is Mary I have no idea why you know they they see Mary they see like her mom their mom or something like that it's just like it's weird you know and to the point I remember years ago probably about ten years ago I was out sowing on my bus route with my bus captain and we're preaching the gospel to this guy he was a Catholic this is in the city of Wilmington and I remember my my bus captain was preaching the gospel to this guy and he was staunch Catholic and you know he's just showing him from the scriptures that Catholicism is wrong and that kept bringing up Mary he's like well you know we believe in Mary we believe in Mary it's like well we believe in Mary too she was a real person we're not saying she's fake he goes yeah but you know you guys you guys don't think that she's the mother of God well she's not and then my friend showed him the story of how Jesus rebuked Mary right he shows her the story in John chapter 2 how he rebukes Mary and then also when you know his parents left him and then he says I must be about my father's business he just shows you all these scriptures and he and he says do you think Jesus was wrong for doing that and he says yes he said absolutely he should have not done that at that point my bus captain said all right well see you later I mean what else is there to say when cuz he's basically saying that Jesus sinned that he was wrong he oh but that's veneration that's worship when you're willing even to say that Jesus Christ sinned by rebuking his own mother that's wicked that's blasphemy is what that is