(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is what the Bible teaches, the natural man is just an unsaved person, he's a sinner, he can't understand the things of God, he depends on his own wisdom, he's depending on his own works, he has just a human nature, one nature that causes him to live just a normal life, but it's a life that is in disobedience to God obviously. But what are two doctrines that are top about this that are false? Well number one, how about this, total depravity? Because the Calvinist will teach this, well yeah, it's a natural man, the natural man received not the things of the Spirit of God, they're totally depraved, in other words, they are never going to get saved, because Calvinists will teach you this false doctrine of unconditional election, which it basically means, according to them, that people are predestined for salvation. You don't choose, God has elected you as a saved person. And that doctrine works in tandem with total depravity, because what about everyone else? Oh, they're just totally depraved, they just will never get saved. And they'll quote Romans chapter 3 when it says, you know, for there's none righteous, no not one, there's none that understandeth, there's none that seeketh after God, right? And they'll say, see, an unsaved person is not going to understand, they're not going to seek after God, yeah, of course they're not going to understand, they're a natural man, they don't receive the things of the Spirit of God, yeah, but it says that they won't seek Him. Yeah, that's what God commands us to go to them, right? The reason we have to go to them is because we can't expect for them to come to us. Now, will people walk in our church who are not saved, and people who are unregenerated, yes, of course, but you know what, God did not commission us to just sit on our rear ends and wait for sinners to come to us for us to give them the Gospel. The Bible says, go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptize in them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, you know, the Bible tells us to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, go, the Bible says, we have to go, how shall they believe in whom they have not heard, how shall they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent, the Bible says. So we have to go to them, so yeah, of course they're not going to understand, of course they're not going to seek after God, that's where the element of the saved person comes into play and we give them the Gospel, you understand? So this total depravity nonsense is just that, it's just nonsense. Totally depraved, they just can't seek after God, no my friend, you're totally depraved. You my friend, are teaching false doctrine, you are teaching a false Gospel, and you're teaching Christians to be lazy, because if you believe in unconditional election and total depravity, you're basically saying, we don't have to go to soul winning.