(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So they believe that the times of the Gentiles start in 606 BC and will end in the Rapture in chapter number four And look a lot some post-trip pre-wrath people actually believe the same thing believe it or not They believe that we're they say oh, we're using the times of the Gentiles right now I was like no, this is not the times of the Gentiles Okay, and they'll say well, you know I thought the times of the Gentiles was now up until the rapture and then you know It's it's what takes place after that no, the times of the Gentiles begins actually around the time of the abomination of desolation and According to the Bible it actually lasts for three and a half years So you got a problem there because if they say the times of the Gentiles are from 606 BC up until the rapture That's not three and a half years When the Bible clearly teaches that there that that Jerusalem shall be trodden underfoot of the Gentiles for 40 and two months That's three and a half years But it does make sense according to revolution Romans 11 26 If if all Israel shall be saved when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled three and a half years before that Yeah, that makes a lot of sense Okay, I hope that didn't go over your head