(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and Unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Don't miss that. What is he saying? It's no question why verse 15 comes after verse 14 where he talks about what they said. He's basically saying this look When Paul and Titus see Cretans, what do they see them as potential pastors? laborers Churches a place where good works can be done, right? When the Pharisees see the Cretans, where do they see? Oh, they're just liars evil beasts slow bellies Why because unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure So when they look at lost people or when they look at Christians, you know on the island of Crete What do they see? They see a bunch of wicked people why because they see a reflection of themselves They're trying to project that which they are What are the Pharisees liars? evil beasts, right and slow bellies What does slow belly means it means they're lazy, you know, like Jesus said about the Pharisees They're not even willing to you know, they command people to keep the law, but they themselves won't even do it with their own finger They won't even keep the commandments that they're telling people to keep they're lazy themselves, right? But unto the pure all things are pure It's like this. Let me give you an example. I don't know we're going long today, but Titus chapter 1 amen So what does that have to do with anything? Nothing? It's like this. It's like when we announced that we're going to Compton and There's literally pastors They're like, oh, yeah, we'd never go there. There's no gang bangers There's a bludgeon Crips over there. You can get hurt Well, you know what to the pure all things are pure buddy But unto them which are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure you see Compton You see a bunch of rapists and gang bangers and heroin addicts You see a bunch of you know, wicked people and you know, they're not gonna get saved. So just send the bus ministry in there Don't send actual soul winners to go and preach the gospel unto them But you know what first works these unto the pure all things are pure. We see a field ready to hear the gospel We see people who are open to the gospel you see bloods, yeah me too I see people I see bloods who need to be washed in the blood of Christ. I See Crips they need to be get one to becoming bloods of crack for Christ. Amen You see gang bangers I see Potential people we're gonna get saved. I see potential people who will listen to sermons online who clean up their lives That's what I see cuz I'm so the pure all things are pure and literally this pastor like Cuz they had some someone from our church invited a pastor to come with us to Compton. Oh, I Would never go there That's too dangerous They might try to bang on me Well, look when they tell you where you're from just tell them I'm a citizen of Israel a man Or just tell them I'm from first works Baptist Church. Let me give you an invite And look we saw tons of people saved in in Compton When we went to Watts man, Watts was fruitful. It's all tons of people's you got a Watson. We can't send our best people there I'm not gonna send my millionaire to that Decrepit city and having one people to Christ you respect our people go read James to fool