(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So when the Bible is talking about that Babylon has become the habitation of Devils the habitation of unclean birds and hateful Birds and all these things it's referring to the fact that the United States of America Babylon is filled with a bunch of wicked people And look we're not just talking about sinners we're talking about Devils We're talking about reprobates. We're talking about people who are possessed By Satan, they're possessed by Devils They're possessed by by demons in high places. This country is filled and permeated by wicked people You could say it's the habitation of Devils Fact You go to Hollywood habitation of Devils You go to the White House habitation of Devils You go to the politics of this world habitation of Devils You go to the darkest most obscure places the the most dangerous places of this country. It's a habitation of Devils the Bible says Unclean hateful birds Oh hateful. What does that sound like sounds like those who are haters of God? You said well, I don't know anybody who hates me then obviously you're not living a godly life Okay, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution if they hated Jesus they'll hate you, right and This is why he tells the people come out of her my people They be not partakers of her sins that he received none of her plagues now You know, what do we speculate from that verse? You know, obviously there's saved people during this time because people are getting saved in the United States during this time You have 144,000 or going out there preaching the Word of God or maybe they hear about you know The two witnesses and they're preaching the Word of God as well This could be referring to a remnant during that time as well And he's maybe this is like a final roll call to say hey, you need to go like Mexico or something You need to cross the border Okay, because I'm about to destroy Babylon come out from them be not partakers of her sins and look they're not obviously Christians are not partaking of the sins What he's telling them is don't partake of the consequences of their sin Because Babylon will be destroyed during this time, you know go to Canada I know Hey, but this time, you know God's like this time. It's okay, right? This place is filled with Satanism Me isn't it interesting that it says the habitation of Devils and then the parallel passage that in Isaiah 13 is satyrs a Satyr is a what it's a goat, right? Baphomet I Mean that's where they're trying. What are they trying to do in a lot of these capital in the capitals of a lot of these States they're trying to literally put an image of Baphomet there