(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you know the Bible tells us for which of you intending to build a tower sit it not down first and count at the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it this is in Luke chapter 14 less happily after he had to lay the foundation that was not able to build it all behold it began to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish that's embarrassing you know and here's the thing is when it comes to serving God we all have sufficient to finish God has given us the sufficiency to finish the race he's given us the sufficiency to finish the building right but here's the thing when people make that sort of commitment and say I'm gonna follow Jesus wherever he goes I'm gonna serve the Lord no matter what happens and then you fall away what happens the enemies of God begin to mock you know all those people you're preaching to and condemning and getting on they see you not serving God they point their fingers at you and say huh what now you know by the way that's one of the reasons why even prior to being a pastor I want to stick I want to stick to the fight because I knew I had eyes on me whether that was my family and friends they're just waiting because they would tell me oh this is just a phase of yours you're just going through a phase you're just you're just zealous and right now but that's just a season it's a phase you'll go back to your old ways you'll go back to serving you know to being in the world and being with your friends well it's been 14 years and I haven't stopped since you know why cuz I don't want people to mock the Lord I don't want to blaspheme the Word of God I don't want them to point at me and say this is what Christianity is