(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So why is Babylon being destroyed? Well because of the inhabitants that dwell there in the devils But not only that because of her pride look at verse 7 how much she had glorified herself American Forget every other nation. It's all about America. We're the best Americanism not globalism and And Live deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart I said a queen and them no widow and shall see no sorrow I mean you can the pride is oozing out of the mouth of the horn, right? Like I said as a queen and the widow shall see no sorrow and by the way, this is happening at the end of Daniel 70th week when all the wrath has been poured out and Yes, she still has the gall to say I shall see no sorrow what is she doing she's tepne the Lord God Let me reach you from Ezekiel 16 verse 49 says behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride fullness of bread and Abundance of iron is was in her and her daughters neither Did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and they were haughty and committed abomination before me Therefore I took them away as I saw good now people want to say they try to use this verse to say well Yeah, that's why you know, the homosexuals were killed, you know, that's why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not because they're sodomites Because of their pride the abundance of bread. No, it says in verse 50. They were haughty and committed abomination before me therefore I Took them away. Look what it says as I saw good You Know anyone who want to call it wants to call this kind of preaching evil You're gonna have to say what he just said is evil and he just said it was good You know how you create how you make creation? He saw everything and it was good. Well, he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah said it was good But notice that one of the elements there is pride right and isn't the United States one of the most prideful nations ever exists Untouchable nothing will ever happen to us. We're the most powerful nation verse 8 therefore shall our plagues come and one day Death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong as the Lord God who judgeth Her notice that the destruction is sudden Okay, this is how you know that God is mad because it's not a destruction Look the destruction of the world for example, right takes three and a half years And the world's pretty wicked God looks at Babylon says no, we're just doing this in one hour You know like when you have like a task you have to get done at home and you just want to get it out of The way you're like no we're getting this done now