(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know Jesus fasting for 40 days is not a template for us to fast for 40 days Now you can fast for 40 days But let me say this if you choose to fast for 40 days, you better not tell a single soul about it You say why would you say that well because of the fact that once you tell someone that you're fasting For a spiritual reason you've lost your reward and I personally know someone Who fasted for 40 days and went around the country telling everyone that he did Doug Fisher of What is it like? Lemon Grove, what's the church called? Lighthouse Baptist Church in Lemon Grove, okay, you know, he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights He came to our church not here But our old church and telling everybody that he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights He went around the country telling everybody who's fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Well, he got his reward What is the reward that he got everyone like whoa you lasted for 40 days and for you fast Just like Jesus and this is what he said I could have gone for longer but you know after a while your flesh begins to tell you Yeah, why don't you go longer than your Savior with? Kind of nonsense is that Well, that was a waste and folks anybody who's ever fasted even for two days knows two days is a lot I Mean for some of us one meal is a lot people start getting hangry and getting upset and just like Imagine 20 imagine 48 hours. Imagine seven days. Imagine 40 days, okay