(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Go to Luke chapter 4, Luke chapter number 4. Yeah, Satan. That's where they get it from, put eagle Look at Luke 4 verse 43 So here in Luke chapter 4 We have Jesus Christ, of course ministering. He is healing Simon Peter's mother-in-law. He's casting out devils I mean, he's doing a lot of work, right? And look at verse 43. He says that he said unto them. I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also For therefore am I sent verse 44 and he preached in the synagogues of where? Galilee, right? Okay, brother Carey. What does it say in the NIV? In verse 44 it says and he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea. That's not accurate You say well, you know, it's all in the middle east though, you know Here's the problem though, okay Because when you read the chapter Jesus Christ is in Capernaum He's in Galilee And you have Chorazin there. You have Capernaum. Okay, you have these areas there and Galilee is north Judea is south. It actually takes about four days to walk to either location from either location You understand? Let me turn there because I didn't put the rest of the verse here So not accurate Not accurate and we know this because of the fact that if he's healing Peter's mother-in-law That's in Galilee because Peter is of Galilee as well. Are thou not a Galilean, right? This is all taking place up there And the argument can be made. Yeah, but you know they When it says that he's preaching in the synagogues of Judea saying that he like went back to Judea to go preach You know, it doesn't really say anything else. Okay. Well look at chapter five verse one And he came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God He stood by the lake of Genesoret Now, where's Genesoret? Galilee It's actually south of Capernaum So all that is in the north So how is it that he can be in Galilee? He travels four days to Judea But then people see him from Galilee from Judea standing on the on the shore of Genesoret doesn't make any sense. These are inaccurate They're bad translations It doesn't even get the geography right? So why would you read it?