(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, you shouldn't compete with your peers. You should contend by their side Right Philippians 1 27 says only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ That whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs the stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together For the faith of the gospel So the Bible is telling us that we ought to strive together not strive together as in striving with one another but strive together Okay, look what the Bible says in first Samuel chapter 18 now, this is a perfect example of what not to do This is Saul. Okay, Saul Obviously in his latter end did not finish. Well, he was very much jealous and envious of who of David Now David was working for him Okay and look at the Bible says in verse set of verse 6 and it came to pass as they came when David was returned From the slaughter of the Philistines that the woman came out The women came out of all the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King Saul with tabrets with joy with instruments of music and the women answered one another as they played and said Saul had slain his thousands and David is ten thousands and Saul was very Roth and the same displeased him and he said they have ascribed them to David 10,000 and to me they have ascribed with thousands and what can he have more but the kingdom and saw I David from That day and for so from that time forth He was like jealous of David he was envious of him This is so stupid, but people still do this today. Look if I was in Saul's shoes, just think about this Okay, this is the way I would have thought about it if they're seeing that I would have been like, yeah I'm slaying my thousands. He's doing 10,000 but guess what David's in my kingdom So he's putting in work for the kingdom So That means there's a couple other thousands that I don't have to worry about because David's doing it That's the kind of mentality you have to have So when you meet someone who's better than you don't compete with them be thankful that they're in our church You know if there's a soner who comes to our church and he's just like blowing me out of the water And he's just a really good so winner. I'm not gonna be like I Ain't that guy from that this day for you this guy's slain his 10,000 and I'm over here with thousand, you know what I think I'm like that guy's in her church. I Get to have that person in my church. I Don't try to compete with that person. Why would I compete with him? We're on the same team And if he's winning souls to Christ guess what we're adding that to the faithful word numbers So You know what I'm gonna do I want to learn from him because obviously he probably knows something that I don't I Want to go sowing with him because he probably presents something a little differently than I do and I want to learn from that I'm not gonna be jealous or envious because this person wins more souls than I do You know, if there's a person who comes out with a better quality documentary than me I'm not gonna be jealous or envious of that. You know, I'm gonna do I want to learn I'm gonna watch the documentary. Okay, I Need to learn how to do that. I Need to learn how to do this. Yeah, that's way better right there. We're not competing You know, but the diachropies mentality is this is what Saul's thinking right here Oh, man, these guys have described 10,000 to him and I only have a thousand saw you're the boss He's helping your kingdom and David actually likes Saul You know, he's helping the kingdom to grow he's fighting his battles, but now he's like competing with David Never have that mentality Okay, if someone comes to our church and they're better at something that you were really good at don't feel threatened by that If you feel threatened by that then you got insecurity you got security problems and you're having security is what you have Okay, you know, you're just like You know, you know, where is he from, you know, how do we know he's not an infiltrator You know, how do you know he's not like a rebel raid or something You're idiot if that's what you think stop being jealous Go take him out for a coffee and learn from him Cuz guess what? He will make you better You see if you have the mentality you're competing with yourself. That person's gonna help you beat you Cuz he's gonna help you Go above your lid You know The preview that they showed to the the flattered who's at the conference the flat earth one. I think was beasts. Oh My whoa, this is good stuff right here. This is high quality stuff right here And I told I told brother Oliver. I was like, why are you gonna show that before my documentary man? No one's gonna want to watch my documentary after that. What are you doing? You know? But you know what I want to do when I see that I want to learn from the guy who did that Cuz he knows some things that I don't I'm not even like No one needs to know about the Flat Earth, you know, or whatever, you know, it's on the Flat Earth He's like no one is the normal. No, you know what I want to do. I'm like man I want to learn as much as I can from that person Cuz they know something that I don't you know what he's gonna do. He's gonna make me better Cuz I'm not competing with him. I'm competing with me You know when I lose is when I start competing with him Cuz then I just stay exactly where I'm at and I never grow beyond that Be the kind of person that competes with yourself and the people who you think are your competition are actually the ones who are gonna Help you defeat you. That's how you got to see it Don't be like that at your fees. Do you want the preeminence among everyone?